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New Bug Found By Ostoure Sazan Sharif
- To: bugtraq@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- Subject: New Bug Found By Ostoure Sazan Sharif
- From: ostoure.sazan@xxxxxxxxx
- Date: 3 Sep 2009 19:31:12 -0000
| Ostoure Security Research Team
| Title: Accounting Portal authentication Bypass
| Vendor: Parsonline - Parsway ISP
| Exploitation: Remote with browser
- Description:
The data in the admin folder "DesktopModules" can be accessed via a normal
session without authentication, someone can do this to view other people's
usernames and passwords
You can access other people's account information, by entering the URL of your
own account information, and changing the account number in the URL to another
person's number.
- exploit:
First u must loggin with your user & password
http://victim.com or victime
you must enter other user in number part
Found By Ostoure sazan sharif *