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RE: computer crime statistics

You probably will have more look searching databases provided by your local
library. If your local University has a data librarian they might be able to
help find sources of data (if they even exist). A reference librarian can
show you how to search various databases of scholarly research to see if
anyone has done any surveys etc. and published their findings.  I'd start
with IEEE Explore and the ACM Digital Library. The National Criminal Justice
Reference Service *might* be able to provide some guidance as well.

Michael McDonnell, GCIA
Network Security Analyst
University of Alberta Libraries
Information Technology Services
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Choon Ming [mailto:choonming2002@xxxxxxxxx]
> Sent: Sunday, July 26, 2009 8:11 AM
> To: bugtraq@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx; full-disclosure-
> bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Subject: computer crime statistics
> Good day to all of you,
> I'm having loads of troubles finding computer crimes' statistics
> (crimes
> that are related to physical security - eg. Login, root access,
> ntlm/sam,
> etc). I did some search on google and many other websites. But I've yet
> to
> encounter a statistics or survey for the mentioned above computer
> crime.
> Does anyone have any idea where I can get them?
> Thank you.

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