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Web Hacking Incidents update for Feb 3rd

The incidents reported on WHID (the web hacking incidents database) last
week where:

* WHID 2009-15: Kanye West has been Hacked
        Rappers hacking problems seem never stop

* WHID 2009-14: My.BarackObama.com Infects Visitors With Trojan
        And so does presidents'

* WHID 2009-13: Wikipedia Biography Hacking

* WHID 2009-12: Embassy of India in Spain found serving remote malware
through iFrame attack

It is interesting to note that everything of interest seem to evolve around
"Web 2.0" sites. On another note, the Heartland incident we queried about
last week seems not to be related to web hacking

~ Ofer

Ofer Shezaf
shezaf@xxxxxxxx, +972-54-4431119

Founder, Xiom.com, Proactive Web Application Security, http://www.xiom.com
Chairman, OWASP Israel 
Leader, WASC Web Hacking Incidents Database Project