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PHP-Nuke 8.0 Downloads Blind Sql Injection

####               PHP-Nuke 8.0 Downloads Blind Sql Injection                   
#AUTHOR : Sina Yazdanmehr (R3d.W0rm)                                            
#Discovered by : Sina Yazdanmehr (R3d.W0rm)                                     
#Our Site : http://ircrash.com                                                  
#My Official WebSite : http://r3dw0rm.ir                                        
#IRCRASH Team Members : Khashayar Fereidani - R3d.w0rm (Sina Yazdanmehr)        
#Download : http://phpnuke.org                                                  
#Dork : inurl:modules.php?name=Downloads "PHP-Nuke"                             
#                                      [Bug]                                    
#Admin Username : 
#Admin Password : 
#Users Username : 
#Users Password : 
#                                      [Note]                                   
#1. magic_quotes_gpc = Off                                                      
#2. register_globals = On                                                       
#3. For using bug you must login via a simple user.                             
#4. After using bug go to this url :                                            
#5. I use ascii codes and null byte in url for bypass nuke security function    
#   please don't change ascii code and %00.                                     
###################################### TNX GOD 