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phpcrs <= 2.06 / Local File Inclusion Vulnerability (this is the correct :)

phpcrs <= 2.06 / Local File Inclusion Vulnerability

$ Program: phpcrs
$ Version: <= 2.06
$ File affected: frame.php
$ Download: http://sourceforge.net/projects/phpcrs/

Found by Pepelux <pepelux[at]enye-sec.org>
eNYe-Sec - www.enye-sec.org

--Bug --

151.    elseif( isset( $btnStartImport  ) ) {
152.            require("../inc/frmDoImport.inc.php");
153.            require("../inc/". $importFunction .".inc.php");
154.            require("../inc/inc/getFunctions.inc.php");
155.            $importFunction();
156.            frmDoImport( $selectedImport );
157.    }

-- Exploit --


NOTE: website only works with Firefox. To navigate you must use
Firefox and to exploit
it, you only have to change the user-agent.