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RE: RE: MySQL command-line client HTML injection vulnerability


So, should we bring up all patches that have been released 5 months ago
or thereabouts?  There's been a LOT of serious vulnerabilities released
since then - if you're 5 months behind in patching, then there's more
serious questions than this one patch.

We ALL need to keep up to date with patches.  5 month old patches are
ancient news and should have been taken care of no more than about 4
months ago at the most.  If this list were to make mention of all old
patches after 5 months or so, the list would be flooded with nigh on
useless information taking the bandwidth as compared to new, relevant
patch and vulnerability. information.




Hilton Travis                       Phone: +61 (0)7 3105 9101
(Brisbane, Australia)               Phone: +61 (0)419 792 394
Manager, Quark IT                   http://www.quarkit.com.au
         Quark Group                http://www.quarkgroup.com.au

     Microsoft SBSC PAL (Australia) http://www.sbscpal.com/

War doesn't determine who is right.  War determines who is left.

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                    Quark Group Pty. Ltd.
      T/A Quark Automation, Quark AudioVisual, Quark IT

> -----Original Message-----
> From: mrry.dmlo@xxxxxxxxx [mailto:mrry.dmlo@xxxxxxxxx]
> Sent: Friday, 3 October 2008 4:54 PM
> what about the people who do not know about the bug or the patch? Mr.
> Travis Hilton so it shouldnt be brought to my attention? it is a very
> serious bug does one ever go to the root of any problems?