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Re: Sun M-class hardware denial of service

> Yet you don't know what it is that causes the issue?  What's Sun's
> support arrangement for OpenBSD on SPARC?  If it is reproduced in
> Solaris, then I'm sure Sun would address it, but where is the benefit
> for them to do so at present?

        It's not about OpenBSD on sparc - the OpenBSD people don't
really care - the fact that it's possible at all means anyone with
clue and a less than black hat can go take an OpenBSD kernel, figure
out what it's doing there, and likely make a solaris kernel module
to do the same thing - then they have a nice little tool. This indicates
that something is broken, and can likely be taken advantage of.

        Frankly, the OpenBSD people aren't going to bother doing it.
They're only interested in making OpenBSD go. I can think of several
people I've met in bars on the other hand who might be interested
in having a domain-instabrick module for solaris.
