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XSS and Data Manipulation attacks found in CMS PHPCart.
- To: bugtraq@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- Subject: XSS and Data Manipulation attacks found in CMS PHPCart.
- From: "vaibhav aher" <vaibhavaher@xxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Thu, 28 Aug 2008 11:57:48 +0800
Dear Sir,
I have found that the CMS PHPCart is vulnerable to XSS attack and Data
Manuplation I have attached the poc with the mail...... this exploit
is found by me 'h4x0r'
I hope u will publish it soon.
Vaibhav Aher
Security Consultant
+91 09225325661
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# est.2007 \/ \/ forum.darkc0de.com #
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# Author: h4x0r
# Home : www.darkc0de.com
# Email : vaibhavaher@xxxxxxxxx
# Share the c0de!
# Exploit: Multiple exploits (XSS & data manipulation) in PHPCart (PHP
ECommerce Shopping Cart System ) v3.4 - 4.6.4
# Soft.Site: http://phpcart.net/
#Exploit 1: XSS
# phpCart is a open source web based php shopping cart system integrate for
ecommece website. A user can run the #following script in "quantity" feild as #
well as "Add Engraving" feild or any other feild where we can maually #inject
the script, to get the current cookies.
# POC1:- http://www.site.com/phpcart/
# like <script>alert(document.cookie);</script> int the "quantity" feild as
well as "Add Engraving" feild or any #other feild, to get the current cookies.
# POC2:- http://www.site.com/phpcart/phpcart.php
# Injection of XSS script "Quantity" feild is gives with the XSS attack.
# POC3:- http://www.site.com/phpcart/phpcart.php?action=checkout
# Injection of XSS script in input feild like "Name" "Company" "Address,
Include City & Prov/State" gives with the #XSS attack.
# Live Demo:- http://phpcart.net/demo/phpcart/
# Exploit 2: Data manipulation
#A vulnerability in PHPCart, which can be exploited by malicious people to
manipulate orders.
#The problem is that the "price" and "postage" parameters are not properly
verified in "phpcart.php". This can be #exploited to
#change the price of a product being bought by modifying the "price" parameter
directly using a intermediate proxy.
#POC:- http://www.site.com/phpcart/phpcart.php
#It was discovered that the main process of online merchant payment was based
solely on client-side verification.
#The PHP module (phpcart.php) received the payment amount from the client-side,
forwards the amount and sends back
#the total price to the backend server for further payment process.
#There was no proper validation mechanism at the backend to validate the data
which had been submitted by the PHP module.
#Potential attackers could tamper the data and modify the total amount.
#Before the transaction enters the merchant gate way we captured the data using
intermediate proxy and the total amount shown as $XX as shown was tampered and
#POC Example:
#Extract price of purchase:-
#ID Description Price Qty. Amount
#GB1000 Golf Balls - Long Distance 1 $28.95 + $14 shipping charges
so total amount is 42.95
#Intercept before manipulaion:-
#After the Verification form when the page is redirecting to payment gateway
the page is intermediated. The gateway selected is Paypal.
#User-Agent: Opera/9.26 (Windows NT 5.1; U; en)
#Host: www.paypal.com
#Accept: text/html, application/xml;q=0.9, application/xhtml+xml, image/png,
image/jpeg, image/gif, image/x-xbitmap, */*;q=0.1#
#Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.9
#Accept-Charset: iso-8859-1, utf-8, utf-16, *;q=0.1
#Accept-Encoding: deflate, gzip, x-gzip, identity, *;q=0
#Referer: http://www.phpcart.net/demo/phpcart/phpcart.php
#Cookie: KHcl0EuY7AKSMgfvHl7J5E7hPtK=VDrukd29DPvnkTqVFUSeG52gR2iAX22piQHagEGhU
#Cookie2: $Version=1
#Connection: Keep-Alive, TE
#TE: deflate, gzip, chunked, identity, trailers
#Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
#Content-Length: 286
#Here price=42.95 was tampered and manipulated to 1.95
#and u can see that the price on the paypal gateway will be 1.95$.
# Live Demo:- http://phpcart.net/demo/phpcart/
# Dork:- phpcart/phpcart.php?
# Dork:- Powered by phpCart