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RE: New Paper: More than 600 million users surf at high risk

My theory - there are gazillion corporate and business apps that don't run on 
IE7 thus users do not update even their personal PCs (for VPN access to those 
apps.). I work for a hospital and we have apps that only recently with IE6. 
When we ask about plans for IE8 support, we get the blank stare. Who doesn't 
love ActiveX?


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--- On Tue, 7/1/08, Nick FitzGerald <nick@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> From: Nick FitzGerald <nick@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> Subject: RE: New Paper: More than 600 million users surf at high risk
> To: bugtraq@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Date: Tuesday, July 1, 2008, 8:27 PM
> Paul Schmehl to Larry Seltzer:
> > My completely non-scientific,
> unsupported-by-empirical-evidence answer is 
> > no.  It's because people who use Firefox tend to
> be more aware of security 
> > threats and the need to keep software up to date.  It
> could also be (at 
> > least in part) because Firefox has a built-in,
> enabled-by-default, update 
> > available warning system.
> I would agree with both those reasons and add that FF
> updates are not 
> hampered by the disabling of the inbuilt (and often
> seriously mistrusted) 
> OS auto-update mechanisms.
> I also _suspect_ that a lot of pirated copies of Windows
> probably have 
> system updates disabled.
> Regards,
> Nick FitzGerald