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Re: IOS Rookit: the sky isn't falling (yet)


On Tue, 27 May 2008 09:08:58 +0200 Nicolas FISCHBACH
<nicolist@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Here's [8] a "screenshot" of CIR vs Topo.

for those of you interested, here is the link to the full report (link
may wrap):


Recurity Labs GmbH           | Felix 'FX' Lindner 
http://www.recurity-labs.com | fx@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 
Wrangelstrasse 4             | Fon: +49 30 69539993-0
10997 Berlin                 | PGP: A740 DE51 9891 19DF 0D05  
Germany                      |      13B3 1759 C388 C92D 6BBB
HRB 105213 B, Amtsgericht Charlottenburg, GF Felix Lindner