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Re: Exploiting Google MX servers as Open SMTP Relays

On Sat, May 10, 2008 at 01:04:42PM -0500, Todd T. Fries wrote:
> Yes this is very frustrating.
> The details are not so hard to guess.  Unless this post is different,
> anyone can send an email to a nonexistent user at a google service and
> they accept it and bounce back to the envelope recipient. *sigh*.

  Google outscatter is one longstanding problem, but this is a
different problem which allows spammers to use Google's MXes as their
outbound mailservice.

  Google's chronic silence on all abuse reports makes it impossible to
tell whether they've taken any action on the problem, whether the
problem reports have even made it to the operational staff responsible
for the mailservers, or whether they simply don't care.

  I'm sure you can all make your own snarky comments re "Do no evil".

  -- Clifton

    Clifton Royston  --  cliftonr@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx / cliftonr@xxxxxxxx
       President  - I and I Computing * http://www.iandicomputing.com/
 Custom programming, network design, systems and network consulting services