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[security bulletin] HPSBTU02322 SSRT080011 rev.1 - HP Tru64 UNIX running SSH/SFTP Server, Remote Execution of Arbitrary Code or Denial of Service (DoS)

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Document ID: c01404118
Version: 1

HPSBTU02322 SSRT080011 rev.1 - HP Tru64 UNIX running SSH/SFTP Server, Remote 
Execution of Arbitrary Code or Denial of Service (DoS)

NOTICE: The information in this Security Bulletin should be acted upon as soon 
as possible.

Release Date: 2008-03-19
Last Updated: 2008-03-25

Potential Security Impact: Remote execution of asrbitrary code or Denial of 
Service (DoS)

Source: Hewlett-Packard Company, HP Software Security Response Team

A potential security vulnerability has been identified in the SFTP Server 
(sftp- server) component of SSH v 3.2.0 and earlier running on HP Tru64 UNIX. 
The vulnerability could be exploited by a remote user to execute arbitrary code 
or cause a Denial of Service (DoS).

References: CVE-2006-0705 

SUPPORTED SOFTWARE VERSIONS*: ONLY impacted versions are listed.
The following supported software versions are affected: 

SSH v 3.2.0 and earlier as provided with...

HP Tru64 UNIX v 5.1B-4 
HP Tru64 UNIX v 5.1B-3 


CVSS 2.0 Base Metrics 

Reference                Base Vector                    Base Score 
CVE-2006-0705  (AV:N/AC:L/Au:S/C:P/I:P/A:P)  6.5
Information on CVSS is documented in HP Customer Notice: HPSN-2008-002.

HP is releasing the following Early Release Patch (ERP) kits publicly for use 
by any customer until updates are available in mainstream release patch kits. 

The resolutions contained in the ERP kits are targeted for availability in the 
following mainstream kit: 

HP Tru64 UNIX v 5.1B-5

The ERP kits use dupatch to install and will not install over any Customer 
Specific Patches (CSPs) that have file intersections with the ERPs. Contact 
your service provider for assistance if the installation of the ERPs is blocked 
by any of your installed CSPs.

The ERP kits distribute the following items:

Patched version of SSH v 3.2.0

HP Tru64 UNIX Version v 5.1B-4 
PREREQUISITE: HP Tru64 UNIX v 5.1B-4 PK6 (BL27) 
Name: T64KIT1001460-V51BB27-ES-20080310 
HP Tru64 UNIX Version v 5.1B-3 
PREREQUISITE: HP Tru64 UNIX v 5.1B-3 PK5 (BL26) 
Name: T64KIT1001467-V51BB26-ES-20080314 

MD5 checksums are available from the ITRC patch database main page. From the 
patch database main page, click Tru64 UNIX, then click verifying MD5 checksums 
under useful links.



Version:1 (rev.1) - 25 March 2008 Initial release 

Third Party Security Patches: Third party security patches which are to be 
installed on systems running HP software products should be applied in 
accordance with the customer's patch management policy. 

Support: For further information, contact normal HP Services support channel.

Report: To report a potential security vulnerability with any HP supported 
product, send Email to: security-alert@xxxxxx 
It is strongly recommended that security related information being communicated 
to HP be encrypted using PGP, especially exploit information. 
To get the security-alert PGP key, please send an e-mail message as follows:
  To: security-alert@xxxxxx 
  Subject: get key

Subscribe: To initiate a subscription to receive future HP Security Bulletins 
via Email: 
On the web page: ITRC security bulletins and patch sign-up 
Under Step1: your ITRC security bulletins and patches 
  - check ALL categories for which alerts are required and continue.
Under Step2: your ITRC operating systems 
  - verify your operating system selections are checked and save.

To update an existing subscription: http://h30046.www3.hp.com/subSignIn.php 
Log in on the web page: Subscriber's choice for Business: sign-in. 
On the web page: Subscriber's Choice: your profile summary - use Edit Profile 
to update appropriate sections.

To review previously published Security Bulletins visit: 

* The Software Product Category that this Security Bulletin relates to is 
represented by the 5th and 6th characters of the Bulletin number in the title: 

GN = HP General SW
MA = HP Management Agents
MI = Misc. 3rd Party SW
NS = HP NonStop Servers
PI = HP Printing & Imaging
ST = HP Storage SW
TL = HP Trusted Linux
TU = HP Tru64 UNIX
VV = HP VirtualVault

System management and security procedures must be reviewed frequently to 
maintain system integrity. HP is continually reviewing and enhancing the 
security features of software products to provide customers with current secure 

"HP is broadly distributing this Security Bulletin in order to bring to the 
attention of users of the affected HP products the important security 
information contained in this Bulletin. HP recommends that all users determine 
the applicability of this information to their individual situations and take 
appropriate action. HP does not warrant that this information is necessarily 
accurate or complete for all user situations and, consequently, HP will not be 
responsible for any damages resulting from user's use or disregard of the 
information provided in this Bulletin. To the extent permitted by law, HP 
disclaims all warranties, either express or implied, including the warranties 
of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, title and 

©Copyright 2008 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. 

Hewlett-Packard Company shall not be liable for technical or editorial errors 
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Version: PGP 8.1
