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Certification for Web Application Security Professionals

Web Application Security Consortium (www.webappsec.org) and SANS (www.sans.org) has partnered together to define, train, test and certify the individuals. WASC is a leading web application security organization and SANS is a leader in training and certification. Together they have the subject matter expertise and process expertise to make this a huge success.

We are doing a survey of the topics to be covered in the certification. We request you to spare few minutes to take the survey.

For more details about the certification: http://myappsecurity.blogspot.com/2008/02/certification-for-web-application.html

Take the survey: https://www.surveymonkey.com/s.aspx?sm=kuEP2xG3RslU42_2ftRRs1Lg_3d_3d

Thanks a lot for your time and input.

Anurag Agarwal