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SQL-injection, XSS in OSSIM (Open Source Security Information Management)

Application: OSSIM
Version: 0.9.9rc5 
Note: it is possible that the problem affects also earlier OSSIM versions
Platforms: Linux
Bug: SQL injection, Cross Site Scripting
Exploitation: remote
Date: 21 Feb 2008
Author: Marcin Kopec
E-mail: marcin(dot)kopec(at)hotmail(dot)com


1) Introduction

OSSIM it's a free implementation of  Security Information Management (SIM) 
system, equipped with many useful security tools (nessus, snort, p0f, ntop, 
...) managed from easy-to-use web panel.

2) SQL injection

The bug exist in portname parameter of modifyportform.php
It's possible to obtain hashed administrator password when user have rights to 
do port modification in "PORTS" tab.


3) XSS

Quotes in OSSIM aren't property sanitized.  
Below XSS may be executed without logging into the OSSIM.
