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Re: Country by Country ISA Computer Sets

On Mon, Jan 14, 2008 at 02:20:50PM -0800, Thor (Hammer of God) wrote:
> So I set about finding a good resource for country-by-country 
> IP ranges.  Fortunately, Wade Alcorn, one of my colleagues at 
> NGSSoftware turned me on to one that seemed pretty decent 
> (there are a few around, though).  But finding the resource 
> was just the beginning...  The list I got included 234 countries, 
> comprised by almost 100,000 records of IP ranges.   

While I have no doubt concerning your skills to convert this 
list to ISA format whithout any error, I would like to have 
the source of your list.

Is it possible to have your source link to this list ? and 
maybe the other ones you mentionned ?

Thank you in advance, and best regards,

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