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Member Area System (MAS) Remote File Include Vulnerability (view_func.php)


Member Area System (MAS) Remote File Include Vulnerability (view_func.php)


Author: ShipNX <ship_nx [AT] yahoo com>
Impact: Remote file include
Status: Patch not available


Software description:

Name: Member Area System (MAS)
Version: Vendor does not disclose version information since v1.7.
Probably later versions are also vulnerable
Vendor: Mansion Productions
Vendor homepage: http://www.mansionproductions.com/
Software homepage: http://www.mansionproductions.com/mas/

MAS is a leading content management system (CMS) specially designed 
for adult-oriented sites managements. It is used on many major adult
sites around the world.



Code: view_func.php


The variables $i and $l are not properly sanitized
before using them in include() construction. 
If Register Globals = On and Allow URL Include (Allow URL Fopen) = On
then an attacker can send the malicious request leading to remote
file include and therefore arbitrary command execution.



Register Globals = On
Allow URL fopen (Allow URL include since PHP 5.2.0) = On



justsomedir/ is required here as data passed via $i first gets sent to 
dirname() function
which will product


The remote file should be placed at http://remotesite.com/testfile.txt



The vendor is aware of the vuln for ages (probably since 2006) so they
recommend setting up Register Globals = Off. Not sure why they haven't
patched the vuln already. If Register Globals is Off on your server, then
you are more or less secure. If it is On, ask your system administrator
to turn it Off. If for some reason you need Register Globals = On on your
site (using old software etc), then contact the vendor and MAYBE they will
finally patch the bug :-)



Vuln found: Late 2005 :-))
Vendor notified: Seems like the vendor knows of the vuln since 2006, but
for some reason fails to patch the vuln. Maybe they just want it to keep
quiet, or maybe the security matters just don't bother them - not sure. 
Anyway, maybe this advisory will finally force them to do patching :-))
Advisory: 11/01/2008


Thanks to:

DeZender creators :-)