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[HSC] Snitz Forums Multiple Vulnerabilities

[HSC] Snitz Forums Multiple Vulnerabilities 

Snitz Forums Default Database installation allows remote users to download the 
database which contains critical information. As a result, an attacker 
exploiting this vulnerability will be able to obtain detailed information. An 
attacker may leverage xss issue to have arbitrary script code execute in the 
browser of an unsuspecting user in the context of the affected site. This may 
help the attacker steal cookie-based authentication credentials and launch 
other attacks.  

Hackers Center Security Group (http://www.hackerscenter.com)
Credit: Doz

Remote: YES
Class: Improper; Instalation configuration, XSS 7 Validation.

Version: 3.4.06 & Previous!
Vendor: http://forum.snitz.com/

* Attackers can exploit these issues via a web client.

- Default Database Disclosure:



Change the database name. The name should be a combination of letters and 
That makes it hard for anyone to guess the name of your database.

- Information Leakage:  (Version: 3.4.05)

Will show the Database path: /forum/whereami.asp

- Cross-Site Scripting: (all versions)


(Versions: 3.4.05 & Below) 

- Redirecting weakness/ Phishing Hole:



Google Dork: 

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