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FAQMasterFlexPlus multiple vulnerabilities

- Security Advisory -

- FAQMasterFlexPlus multiple vulnerabilities -

Product:        FAQMasterFlexPlus
Version:        Latest version is affected, other not tested
Vendor:         http://www.netbizcity.com
Affected by:    Cross-Site Scripting & SQL injection

I. Introduction.

FaqMasterFlexPlus is a free, database-driven web-based application
written in php for creating and maintaining
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on your web site.
It has language support and features according documentation are:
"Allow to create unlimited categories and unlimited
Questions/Answers and has web-based category and FAQ administration
with Add, Edit, Delete Capability.",

It's free software, released under the GNU General Public Lisence (GPL).
Works with php & mysql and comes bundled in some versions of
Fantastico (Cpanel X).

II. Description

        Multiple flaws in FaqMasterFlexPlus have been discovered:

        1) Cross Site Scripting:
                The script faq.php suffers an XSS bug, specifically the variable
$cat_name it's not properly sanitized,
                an attacker exploiting this flaw can perform an XSS attack to 
the targeted user cookies.

                All Admin scripts to add/edit/delete categories and 
faq don't parse correctly the user supplied input too.


        2) SQL Injection (to exploit this issue it's necesarry
magic_quotes_gpc set to Off in the php.ini file).

                All the scripts suffers for sql injections attacks in the 
querys to
the database.


                Then get a new line like this:

                        Q faquser@localhost

                or a Proof of Concept to get the admin password:



                Q supersecretpassword

                bingo! ;)

                Besides password is stored in plain text, this is a big 
security flaw.

                This software is infected with many bugs and must be fully 
for enforce the security.

III. Timeline
        08/05/2007 - Bugs discovered
        10/05/2007 - Vendor Contact (No Response)
        12/12/2007 - Vendor Contacted Again (No Response)
        28/12/2007 - Advisory Disclosure

IV. Credits
        Juan Galiana <jgaliana gmail com>
