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Re: 0day: PDF pwns Windows

On 25 Sep 2007, at 00:57, Lamont Granquist wrote:

The exploit is not made public by its use. The exploit is not even made public by (back-channel) sharing amongst the hacker/cracker community. The exploit is only made public if detected or the vulnerability is disclosed. Until detected/disclosed the hacker/ cracker can use their 31337 0day spl01tz to break into whichever vulnerable machines they like. 0day exploits are valuable because the opposition is ignorant of them.
Posting exploits to BUGTRAQ, however, inherently makes them not  
And my ignorant self thought until this thread that the "0" in the  
term referred to the number of days of head start granted to the  
vendor. Silly me. Because that would make all vulnerabilities  
published without prior warning to the vendor a "0day"...
Roland (who seems to remember that this was once the meaning of this  

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