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[waraxe-2007-SA#054] - Local File Inclusion in Dance Music module for phpNuke

[waraxe-2007-SA#054] - Local File Inclusion in Dance Music module for phpNuke

Author: Janek Vind "waraxe"
Date: 25. September 2007
Location: Estonia, Tartu
Web: http://www.waraxe.us/advisory-54.html

Target software description:


Dance Music for PHP-Nuke
by MultiMedia http://www.multimedia.com.ro
and Nicolae Sfetcu http://www.sfetcu.com

Vulnerabilities: Local File Inclusion in "index.php"

Let's take a peek at source code of "index.php":

------------>[source code]<------------

$ACCEPT_FILE['Acid_house.html'] = 'Acid_house.html';
$ACCEPT_FILE['Alternative_dance.html'] = 'Alternative_dance.html';
$ACCEPT_FILE['Ambient_house.html'] = 'Ambient_house.html';
$page = $_GET['page'];
$pagename = $ACCEPT_FILE[$page];
if (!isSet($pagename)) $pagename = "index.html";

------------>[/source code]<-----------

As we can see, "$ACCEPT_FILE" array is uninitialized, so we can insert there
arbitrary values from $_GET/$_POST/$_COOKIES parameters, if "register_globals"
is active.

Proof-of-concept test:


Warning: main() [function.main]: open_basedir restriction in effect.
) is not within the allowed path(s): (/home/www/web32/) 
in /home/www/web32/html/portal/modules/Dance_Music-MM/index.php on line 154

So local file inclusion exists, but safe mode can make exploiting harder.

//-----> See ya soon and have a nice day ;) <-----//


Greets to ToXiC, LINUX, y3dips, Sm0ke, Heintz, slimjim100, Chb
and anyone else who know me!
Greetings to Raido Kerna.
Tervitusi Torufoorumi rahvale!


Janek Vind "waraxe"

Homepage: http://www.waraxe.us/

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