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Re: Oracle 11g Password algorithm revealed

Dear Pete,

Recurity Labs also reversed the algorythm, the things you write sound
very similar.


Sent to mailing list without permission :

Oracle 0xDEADF00D

Alexander Kornbrust, CEO of Red Database Security GmbH and Oracle Database 
security expert noticed that Oracle recently released their Oracle Database 11g 
for Linux with a new password hashing algorithm. They do so, to improve 
security by introducing case-sensitive passwords in the year 2007! Alex asked 
us to figure out what kind of cryptographic algorithms and methods are actually 
used, because he'd like to update his Oracle Security Scanner.

We did, regardless of the expected nightmares, Fear and Laughing in Oracle.

Since Oracle is shipped as closed software and releases will be provided as 
binary/executable program only, we analyzed the Linux ELF binary executable 
files, because a windows version of Oracle 11g seems to be not released yet.

This is, what we messed around with:

setuid setgid ELF 32-bit LSB executable,
Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), for GNU/Linux 2.2.5, dynamically linked (uses
shared libs), not stripped

OK, uses shared libs, right:

-rwsr-s--x 1 oracle dba 145M Aug 31 16:42 oracle

An almost 150 Megabyte sized executable program, using shared libraries. 
Actually it has 17 shared library dependencies. The other shared libraries 
provided by Oracle, which are actually linked dynamically by other executables 
shipped with Oracle 11g, were statically linked into the oracle executable at 
compile time. We are talking libraries of 30 Megabytes and more linked in as 
well as sitting next to the binary, just in case.

The first approach of the analysis was to narrow down the relevant 
cryptographic algorithm and its implementation. Therefore, different techniques 
were used to find relevant methods and instructions within the executable. Most 
cryptographic algorithms like ciphers and checksum calculations expose some 
kind of "signature" or individual tokens like S-Boxes, transformation tables or 
constant values. Thus it might be easy to detect automatically within the 
binary, using tools like the FindCrypt IDA plugin or other scripts we developed 
for our own purposes.

At least 57 places with crypto were found by FindCrypt: DES, MD4, MD5, SHA1, 
just to name a few. We found at least two independently implemented AES cipher 
constants, all algorithms were double and triple implemented.

Another obstacle is the fact that the Intel Compiler, which was used to compile 
the Oracle executable, uses an optimization which led in having no cross 
references (XREFs) to code or data in several segments. Thus we could not see 
wherefrom for example an S-Box is accessed in the code. So we used the IDA API 
to implement a tool which automatically finds these PC-relative offset 
calculations and adds XREFs to the IDB. One can only assume that Oracle uses 
the Intel compiler because no other compiler would produce efficient enough 
code to run this behemoth of a binary in acceptable speed.

We also combined the static analysis by disassembling the Oracle executable 
with a runtime analysis using ltrace and the precious GNU debugger GDB. Have 
you ever tried to attach more than two dozens processes with GDB and set a few 
hundred breakpoints in batch mode? It's real fun.

Anyway, what were we looking for? We're looking for some kind of "create 
password hash" function, which generates and stores a 30 Byte ASCII-hex encoded 
sequence in table sys.user in a field called "spare4".

After we ran into different hashing and cipher functions (Oracle actually does 
Kerberos, AES for TLS, etc) we found the appropriate hashing function.

There is a function called ztv2ghashs, which takes the following arguments: a 
password, the password length, a salt value, the salt length, a hashing 
algorithm identifier and a structure which holds the calculated hash value as 

The "identifier" is a simple integer and is compared against constant values to 
decide which hashing algorithm to use:

    * 0xf00d means: Use MD4
    * 0xdead means: Use SHA1
    * 0xbeaf [sic!] means: Use MD5

text.hot:0E5A9038    call $+5
text.hot:0E5A903D    pop  ebx
text.hot:0E5A903E    add  ebx, 0EEA4C7h
text.hot:0E5A9044    cmp  eax, 0F00Dh
text.hot:0E5A9049    jz   short loc_E5A9072 ; MD4_Init
text.hot:0E5A904B    cmp  eax, 0BEAFh  ; <- veggies ?!
text.hot:0E5A9050    jnz  short loc_E5A9062 ; SHA1_Init
text.hot:0E5A9052    push edx
text.hot:0E5A9053    call ztchmd5i  ; MD5_Init

So we found out that the final hash is calculated in the following way:

hash_init( HASH_CTX, algorithm );
hash_update( HASH_CTX, password, password_len );
hash_update( HASH_CTX, salt, salt_len );
hash_final( HASH_CTX, result_buf );

Let's try this at home, kids!

Connected to:
Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - Production
With the Partitioning, OLAP, Data Mining and Real Application Testing options

SQL> create user FOOBAR identified by SHAlala;

User created.

SQL> select name,spare4 from sys.user$ where name='FOOBAR';







SQL> Disconnected from Oracle Database
11g Enterprise Edition Release - Production
With the Partitioning, OLAP, Data Mining and Real Application Testing options

$ echo -ne "SHAlala\x1B\x7B\x5F\x82\xB7\x23\x5E\x9E\x18\x2C" | sha1sum
2bfcfdf5895014ee9bb2b9ba067b01e0389bb571  -

We would like to thank Alex and Pete for this interesting challenge and all the 
helpful information regarding Oracle. Fun Inside. There is a lot of funny SQL, 
Kerberos, etc and definitively worth digging deeper.

And we would like to welcome Oracle Corp. in the year 2007, the century of 
highly advanced, mixed-case passwords. :) It should be noted that Oracle, in 
fine tradition, makes the same mistake Microsoft did a decade ago when they put 
the insecure LANMAN hash next to the brand new NTLM one. The table sys.user$ 
still holds the case insensitive DES encrypted password version next to the new 

by THS

Thierry Zoller
Fingerprint : 5D84 BFDC CD36 A951 2C45  2E57 28B3 75DD 0AC6 F1C7