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Re: [Mlabs] Dissecting Internals of Windows XP Svchost : Reverse Engineering Stature

Aditya K Sood wrote:
> Hi all
> This is the reverse Engineering layout of Scvhost Internals.
> |Category : Reverse Engineering Analysis.
> The paper solely relates to the core internals that build up the
> Windows XP Svchost. The Svchost internals have not been disseminated
> into informative elements yet. I have found only one or two analysis
> but that wont satisfy my views regarding XP Svchost. The anatomy of
> Svchost has got complexity in its own term. This pushes me to write
> a specific analysis over it. The analysis provide a structural design
> with concept wise dissection. The point is to understand the hidden
> artifacts and how it affects the working aspect of prime service host
> controller.Every process is disseminated into primary process and
> secondary process. In terms related to operating system there is a parent
> process and its child. If one look at the implementation scenario then
> child processes are undertaken as thread internally. The kernel level
> implementation is subjugated like this. The XP Svchost runs as threads
> under services process.|
> http://mlabs.secniche.org/winxp_svchost.html
> http://mlabs.secniche.org/papers/Win_Xp_Svc_Int.pdf
> Regards
> Aks aka 0kn0ck
> http://mlabs.secniche.org | http://www.secniche.org

I'd like to know which of the genius moderators let this guy's
information get through. He's nothing more than a plagiarist passing bad
information to the community. Its shameful what Bugtraq has become. Has
anyone from there taken a look at the information this clown is posting
or someone asleep at the wheel.

J. Oquendo
"Excusatio non petita, accusatio manifesta"

sil . infiltrated @ net http://www.infiltrated.net

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