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Sony: The Return Of The Rootkit

Hi All,

Apparently Sony cannot learn from their past and have introduced another
rootkit with another of their devices.  This time it is their Microvault
USB drive that has fingerprint security.

Have a read of
http://hiltont.blogspot.com/2007/08/sony-rootkit-version-2.html for my
"WHAT!?!?!? You're kidding?" on it and also
http://www.f-secure.com/weblog/archives/archive-082007.html#00001263 for
the original report from F-Secure.



Hilton Travis                          Phone: +61 (0)7 3344 3889
(Brisbane, Australia)                  Phone: +61 (0)419 792 394
Manager, Quark IT                      http://www.quarkit.com.au
         Quark AudioVisual             http://www.quarkav.net

War doesn't determine who is right.  War determines who is left.

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                    Quark Group Pty. Ltd.
      T/A Quark Automation, Quark AudioVisual, Quark IT