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Re: Re: [Eleytt] 7LIPIEC2007

Dnia 10-07-2007, wto o godzinie 21:46 +0000, gynvael@xxxxxxxxxxx
> Michal Zalewski wrote:
> >> 1. Firefox Remote Denial of Service Vulnerability
> >> http://sapheal.hack.pl/phun/ff2die/
> >This does not crash on me, and I can't see a likely mechanism of action
> >that would lead to a DoS condition. 
> It did hang Firefox (32 bit) at my place (Microsoft Vista, x64). The 
> browser did not respond, and had to be killed. Looks like DoS to me.
Yep, firefox stops to respond because this script opens 10000 new
windows. Following that way I can say, that i found DoS in Word, because
when I tried to open 10000 documents it also stopped to respond.

Michael "carstein" Melewski  |  "We have no future because our present  
carstein()7thguard.net       |  is too volatile. We have only risk 
mobile: 512 357 303          |  management. The spinning of the given 
JID: carstein()gentoo.pl     |  moment's scenarios. Pattern recognition.