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Papoo CMS 3.6 - Access Restriction Bypass
- To: bugtraq@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- Subject: Papoo CMS 3.6 - Access Restriction Bypass
- From: Nico Leidecker <nicoLeidecker@xxxxxx>
- Date: Sun, 24 Jun 2007 18:22:03 +0200
Papoo Content Management System Backend Access Restriction Bypass Jun 24 2007
* Product
Papoo Content Management System
* Vulnerable Versions
Papoo 3.6 and maybe prior
* Vendor Status
The Vendor was notified and the issue was fixed.
A patch is available at http://www.papoo.de/index/menuid/204/reporeid/215
* Details
The Papoo Content Management System provides several administration plugins
in order to switch the application into debug mode or to create a database
backup, for instance. By default, the plugins are only available to the
administrator. The application however fails to check the user's privileges
and allows any userwith access to the backend to access these administration
the database backup plugin dumps the whole database into a file that can be
reviewed afterwards. The dump can also include the complete user table with
all usernames and password hashes. The backup page can be directly accessed
* Impact
Attackers may be able to access the administration plugins and for instance
create or remove plugins or to dump the database and get password hashes
from the backup file.
* Exploit
No exploit required.
Nico Leidecker - http://www.leidecker.info
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