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CfP: 5th ACM Workshop on Recurring Malware (WORM) - Deadline extension

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  Paper submission deadline extended: 24 June 2007 (23:59 PST)

                   C A L L   F O R   P A P E R S


           November 2, 2007 in Alexandria, VA, USA

       held in association with the 14th ACM Conference on
           Computer and Communications Security (CCS)


Important Dates:

Submission deadline:     24 June, 2007 (23:59 PST)
Acceptance Notification: 07 August, 2007
Camera-ready papers:     22 August, 2007


Internet-wide infectious epidemics have emerged as one of the
leading threats to information security and service availability.
Self-propagating threats, often termed worms, exploit software
weaknesses, hardware limitations, Internet topology, and the open
Internet communication model to compromise large numbers of
networked systems. Malware is increasingly used as a beachhead to
launch further malicious activities, such as installing spyware,
deploying phishing servers and spam relays, or performing
information espionage. Unfortunately, current operational
practices still face significant challenges in containing these
threats as evidenced by the rise in automated botnet networks and
the continued presence of worms released years ago. The goal of
this workshop is to provide a forum for exchanging ideas,
increasing the understanding, and relating experiences on
malicious code from a wide range of communities, including
academia, industry, and the government.

Topics of Interest

We are soliciting papers from researchers and practitioners on
subjects including, but not limited to:

* Automatic malcode detection
* Malicious code characterization
* Botnet detection and disruption
* Malcode reverse engineering
* Modeling and analysis of propagation dynamics
* Forensic methods of attribution
* Threat assessment
* Reactive countermeasures
* Proactive malware defenses
* Significant operational experiences
* Measurement studies
* New threats and related challenges

Submission Instructions

WORM aims to be a true workshop, with a primary goal of fostering the
development of preliminary work and helping nucleate a malcode
research community. To this end, WORM is open to two classes of

1. Research papers

Research papers describe original work and should be at most 8
pages long (double column) in an 11-point font with at least
1-inch margins. Significantly shorter papers will also be
considered in terms of the degree to which they might contribute
to the workshop's goals of fostering a malcode research
community. Papers should list all authors and their affiliations;
in case of multiple authors, the contact author must be
indicated (WORM does not require anonymized submissions). All
accepted papers will appear in the ACM WORM Proceedings.

Note that all papers that are submitted must be original
unpublished work and must not be simultaneously submitted or
under review for any other workshop, conference or
journal (including ACM CCS). Any paper found to be in violation
of these rules will be rejected without review. (We may share
information about submissions with the program chairs of other
conferences considering papers during the review period.) Papers
accompanied by non-disclosure agreement forms will not be
considered. All submissions are treated as confidential, both as
a matter of policy and in accordance with the U.S. Copyright Act
of 1976.

2. Panel proposals

Panel proposals must include the title of the panel, a
2-paragraph abstract describing the topic and why it should be of
interest to the WORM community, and a list of panelists that have
agreed to serve on the panel. Panels are expected to be at most 1
hour long, comprised of short presentations by the panelists
followed by discussion among panel members and the audience;
other formats may be used, but should be described in the

Please submit both research papers and panel proposals via the
following Web site:

Program Committee
Christopher Kruegel, Technical University Vienna, Austria (Program Chair)
Kostas Anagnostakis, Institute for Infocomm Research, Singapore
Mike Bailey, University of Michigan, USA
Herbert Bos, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Netherlands
Mihai Christodorescu, University of Wisconsin, Madison, USA
Manuel Costa, Microsoft Research, United Kingdom
Thorsten Holz, University of Mannheim, Germany
Angelos Keromytis, Columbia University, USA
Engin Kirda, Technical University Vienna, Austria
Wenke Lee, Georgia Tech, USA
Jose Nazario, Arbor Networks, USA
Moheeb Rajab, Johns Hopkins University, USA
Stefan Savage, University of California, San Diego, USA
Anil Somayaji, Carleton University, Canada
Dawn Song, Carnegie Mellon University, USA
Vinod Yegneswaran, SRI International, USA