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Re: NOD32 Antivirus Long Path Name Stack Overflow Vulnerabilities

You could use in your shellcode any character allowed as a directory character in Windows. The path name will be then converted to Unicode by Nod32 process. So you have to deal with this too. I used Alpha2 (http://www.edup.tudelft.nl/~bjwever/documentation_alpha2.html.php from Berend-Jan Wever) to encode an alphanumeric shellcode that will be then converted to Unicode:

Make shellcode unicode-proof. This means it will only work when it gets converted to unicode (inserting a '0' after each byte) before it gets executed.

v9@xxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
Although the vulnerabilities are hard to exploit, > it's not impossible.
There are some restrictions to bypass:

- The path name is formated in Unicode, so we have to find an opcode in an 
address with an unicode format
- The shellcode has to be in the path name so we have to use an Alphanumeric 

What's to stop someone from encoding the path(shellcode) in unicode(using both 
bytes of unicode/no null bytes)? Also, is there a special situation why it has 
to be strictly alphanumeric? Because, in general this is not the case.

I've worked with these guidelines myself in the 
past(http://fakehalo.us/xfinder-ds.pl), and I see no specific issue with doing 
similar for this, unless information to the contrary isn't included.