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TSRT-07-02: Trend Micro ServerProtect eng50.dll Stack Overflow Vulnerabilities
- To: full-disclosure@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, bugtraq@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- Subject: TSRT-07-02: Trend Micro ServerProtect eng50.dll Stack Overflow Vulnerabilities
- From: TSRT@xxxxxxxx
- Date: Tue, 20 Feb 2007 14:01:09 -0800
TSRT-07-02: Trend Micro ServerProtect eng50.dll Stack Overflow
February 20, 2007
-- CVE ID:
-- Affected Vendor:
Trend Micro
-- Affected Products:
ServerProtect for Windows 5.58
ServerProtect for EMC 5.58
ServerProtect for Network Appliance Filer 5.61
ServerProtect for Network Appliance Filer 5.62
-- TippingPoint(TM) IPS Customer Protection:
TippingPoint IPS customers have been protected against this
vulnerability since January 16, 2007 by Digital Vaccine protection
filter ID 5101. For further product information on the TippingPoint IPS:
-- Vulnerability Details:
These vulnerabilities allow attackers to execute arbitrary code on
vulnerable installations of Trend Micro ServerProtect. Authentication
is not required to exploit these vulnerabilities.
The specific flaws exist within the StCommon.dll library and are
reachable remotely through a DCE/RPC endpoint on TCP port 5168 bound to
by the service SpntSvc.exe. The RPC endpoint is exposed from
TmRpcSrv.dll with the following IDL stub information:
// opcode: 0x00, address: 0x65741030
// uuid: 25288888-bd5b-11d1-9d53-0080c83a5c2c
// version: 1.0
error_status_t rpc_opnum_0 (
[in] handle_t arg_1,
[in] long trend_req_num,
[in][size_is(arg_4)] byte overflow_str[],
[in] long arg_4,
[out][size_is(arg_6)] byte arg_5[],
[in] long arg_6
The upper half of the 'trend_req_num' DWORD RPC argument from above is
used within TmRpcSrv.dll as an index into a call table. It must
specifically be 0x0003 which results in a call to StRpcSrv.65671000().
The original arguments to the RPC endpoint are then passed to this
called routine:
657416E6 mov eax, opnum0_call_table[eax*4]
657416ED test eax, eax
657416EF jnz short loc_65741707
65741707 loc_65741707:
65741707 mov [ebp+var_4], 0
6574170E mov edx, [ebp+sizeof_arg5]
65741711 push edx
65741712 mov edx, [ebp+arg5_array]
65741715 push edx
65741716 mov edx, [ebp+sizeof_overflow_str]
65741719 push edx
6574171A mov edx, [ebp+overflow_str]
6574171D push edx
6574171E push ecx ; trend_req_num
6574171F call eax ; call handler
The lower half of the 'trend_req_num' DWORD RPC argument is then used
within StRpcSrv.dll as an index into a second call table. The value of
this lower half controls the code flow to the following vulnerabilities
and is hereto referred to as the 'subcode'.
--[ Vulnerability One
A subcode value of 0x0004 results in a call to
ENG_SetRealTimeScanConfigInfo() which subsequently calls through
Eng50.61181940() -> Eng50.611819E0() -> Eng50.61190F60() and can result
in a stack overflow due to an unbounded widechar string copy into a ~600
byte stack-based buffer as shown in the following relevant excerpt:
61190FC7 lea edx, [esp+288h+szShortPath]
61190FCB push esi
61190FCC push edx
61190FCD call _wcscpy
--[ Vulnerability Two
A subcode value of 0x0047 results in a call to ENG_SendEMail() which
can result in a stack overflow due to an unbounded widechar string copy
into a ~2k stack-based buffer as shown in the following relevant
6118A161 mov esi, [esp+780h+arg_0]
6118A168 lea eax, [esp+780h+var_778]
6118A16C push esi
6118A16D push eax
6118A16E call _wcscpy
The resulting stack overflows can be leveraged to execute arbitrary
code under the privileges of the SYSTEM user.
-- Vendor Response:
Trend Micro has issued an update to correct this vulnerability. More
details can be found at:
-- Disclosure Timeline:
2007.02.01 - Vulnerability reported to vendor
2007.01.16 - Digital Vaccine released to TippingPoint customers
2007.02.20 - Coordinated public release of advisory
-- Credit:
This vulnerability was discovered by Pedram Amini,
TippingPoint Security Research Team.