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Re: XLAtunes 0.1 (album) Remote SQL Injection Vulnerability
- To: "Guns@xxxxxxxxxxx" <Guns@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Subject: Re: XLAtunes 0.1 (album) Remote SQL Injection Vulnerability
- From: str0ke <str0ke@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Tue, 20 Feb 2007 11:34:30 -0600
This was actually found by Bl0od3r, and was posted on the 17th. Yep
you pretty much nop'ed the found by section, nice job.
On 19 Feb 2007 19:27:31 -0000, Guns@xxxxxxxxxxx <Guns@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
#Critical Status:High
#Found By: 0x90 #Download:http://www.scriptdungeon.com/script.php?ScriptID=2844
#Greetz:all my friends