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Re: Fake: Open Conference Systems = 2.8.2 Remote File Inclusion

On Mon, 29 Jan 2007, [UTF-8] Micha? Melewski wrote:

Dnia 29-01-2007, pon o godzinie 14:11 +0100, bzhbfzj3001@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Unfortunately your advisory is once again, fake. The variable you are
referring to is set in interface/globals.php which is of course included
before the mentioned include statement.

Hmm, it isn't fake - i was able to exploit this bug.
This software (i mean openemr) i so badly written that i have been able
to find few other bugs,  like:
Argh, you're right. The problematic code is here:


// required for normal operation because of recent changes in PHP:
$ps = strpos($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'],"myadmin");
if ($ps === false) {

// turn off PHP compatibility warnings

In other words: Turn off all those pesky security improvements, so that we may grasp defeat from the jaws of victory. Obviously the number of people that are running with the retarded allow_url_fopen setting on should be low but looking at the quality of this software I don't think finding vulnerabilities that can be exploited in real-life installations should be hard.
