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Re: Multiple OS kernel insecure handling of stdio file descriptor

On 2007-Jan-18 22:21:52 +0800, XFOCUS Security Team <security@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>The affected OSes allows local users to write to or read from restricted
>files by closing the file descriptors 0 (standard input), 1 (standard
>output), or 2 (standard error), which may then be reused by a called
>setuid process that intended to perform I/O on normal files. the attack
>which exploit this vulnerability possibly get root right.

This vulnerability has been known for years.  OpenBSD implemented a
kernel check to block this attack in 1998.  FreeBSD and NetBSD have
similar kernel checks and I believe glibc also has checks to block
this.  It is disturbing that none of the commercial OS vendors appear
to have bothered to protect against this.

Peter Jeremy

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