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Re: Vendor guidelines regarding security contacts

: We frequently see requests for contact on this mailing list.  Readers 
: are encouraged to ensure that their software vendors are aware of the 
: following documents, which have more specific guidelines for vendors to 
: establish.  Because these documents have been co-authored by major 
: organizations, they might provide more leverage for researchers who have 
: difficulty in reaching unresponsive or uninterested vendors. Whether you 
: subscribe to the whole "responsible disclosure" process or not, 
: presumably most of us agree that it's important for vendors to be easily 
: reachable.

: The US Department of Homeland Security's "Vulnerability Disclosure
: Framework" document here:
: [..]
: Those are from

If an organization doesn't follow the above guidelines for any reason, 
they should at the very least make a reasonable effort to follow RFC 2142.


   This specification enumerates and describes Internet mail addresses
   (mailbox name @ host reference) to be used when contacting personnel
   at an organization.  Mailbox names are provided for both operations
   and business functions.  Additional mailbox names and aliases are not
   prohibited, but organizations which support email exchanges with the
   Internet are encouraged to support AT LEAST each mailbox name for
   which the associated function exists within the organization.

Specifically section 4 which requests the use of a 'security' mailbox.


   Operations addresses are intended to provide recourse for customers,
   providers and others who are experiencing difficulties with the
   organization's Internet service.

   MAILBOX        AREA                USAGE
   -----------    ----------------    ---------------------------
   ABUSE          Customer Relations  Inappropriate public behaviour
   NOC            Network Operations  Network infrastructure
   SECURITY       Network Security    Security bulletins or queries