Hi to all, In the past I wrote a python tool to fuzz PL/SQL procedures, functions and packages. With this wonderfull tool I found many vulnerabilities, many crashes and many-many interesting issues. I decided to release it to the public because it's a part of an Oracle specific Vulnerability Assesment Tool I will release when it's completely finished. It will be licensed under the GPL. To use the attached python tool you will need a valid Oracle database account with, at least, the CREATE SESSION privilege granted. You will need to adapt it to your feets to fuzz a database under your control. At least: username, password, Oracle SID and IP address. It only fuzzes 'VARCHAR2', 'RAW', 'NCHAR', 'BINARY_INTEGER', 'BINARY_FLOAT', 'CHAR', 'NVARCHAR2', 'NUMBER', 'FLOAT' and 'LONG RAW' datatypes, at the moment, but you can easily adapt it to fuzz other Oracle datatypes, even user defined. Well, if you find it interesting or if you have any question about, any criticism, etc... Don't heasitate to contact me. Take fun. --- Joxean Koret ----------------------------------- Agian, agian, egün batez jeikiko dira egiazko Ziberotarrak, egiazko eüskaldünak, tirano arrotzen hiltzeko eta gure aiten aitek ützi daikien lurraren popüliari erremetitzeko. -----------------------------------
#!/usr/bin/python """ Oracle Database PL/SQL Fuzzing Tool Copyright (c) 2005, 2006 Joxean Koret, joxeankoret [at] yahoo.es This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. """ import sys import cx_Oracle global connection funnydata = ("TEST", "SYS", "XMLREF", '" || XMLREF() || "', 'TEST" A A ', "'", '"', "A"*30, "A"*100, "A"*128,"A"*256,"A"*512,"A"*1024, "A"*2048,"A"*3000,"A"*4000,"A"*5000,"A"*6000,"A"*7000,"A"*8000,"A"*10000,"A"*15000,"A"*20000,"A"*25000, "A"*30000,"A"*32767, -1, -2, 0, 1, 2, 2147483647, -2147483647, 2147483648, -2147483648, "ROWID", "PRIMARY KEY", "%s%s%s%s%s%s%s", "%x%x%x%x%x%x", "%d%d%d%d%d%d", "GRANT DBA TO TEST", "GRANT DBA TO PUBLIC", "SELECT * FROM DBA_USERS", "' OR '1'='1", "AA' or ""TEST"".""XMLREF"" ","V1", "TEST.V1", '"TEST"."V1"', None) def fuzzData(data, index): global connection for x in funnydata: try: if type(x) is int: print "Data is number",x else: print "Data is " + str(x)[0:30] + " of length " + str(len(str(x))) varList = [] for var in range(index): varList.append(x) cur = connection.cursor() cur.execute(data, varList) except: error = str(sys.exc_info()[1]) if error.upper().find("ORA-00933") > -1 or error.upper().find("ORA-01756:") > -1 or error.upper().find("ORA-00923:") > -1: print "*** POSSIBLE SQL INJECTION FOUND ***" elif error.upper().find("ORA-03113") > -1: if len(str(x)) > 50: print "*** POSSIBLE BUFFER OVERFLOW ***" else: print "*** INSTANCE CRASHED ***" print "Reconnecting ... " connect() elif error.upper().find("ORA-00600") > -1: print "*** INTERNAL ERROR ***" elif error.upper().find("PLS-00306:") > -1: print "Currently unfuzzable :(" continue elif error.upper().find("ORA-03114") > -1: print "We are not connected :?" connect() print error def connect(): global connection link = "test/test@(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS_LIST=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=" link += "(CONNECT_DATA=(SERVICE_NAME=orcl)))" connection = cx_Oracle.connect(link) connection.rollback() connection.commit() def isFunc(data, index, cursorData): global connection try: varList = [] data = """BEGIN """+ data + """(""" index = 0 for x in cursorData: index += 1 if index == 1: data += str(x[1]) + "=>:" + str(index) else: data += "," + str(x[1]) + "=>:" + str(index) data += """); end;""" for var in range(index): varList.append(None) cur = connection.cursor() cur.execute(data, varList) return 0 except: error = str(sys.exc_info()[1]) if error.upper().find("PLS-00221")> -1: return 1 else: return 0 def die(msg): print msg sys.exit(0) def main(): global connection fuzzPackages = """ select distinct owner "Owner", package_name "Package", package_name "Package", package_name "Package", object_name "Program_Unit" from sys.all_arguments x where argument_name is not null and not exists (select 1 from sys.all_arguments y where x.owner = y.owner and x.package_name = y.owner and x.object_name = y.object_name and x.data_level = y.data_level and y.data_type not in ('VARCHAR2', 'RAW', 'NCHAR', 'BINARY_INTEGER', 'BINARY_FLOAT', 'CHAR', 'NVARCHAR2', 'NUMBER', 'FLOAT', 'LONG RAW') and rownum = 1) order by owner, package_name, object_name """ packageProcedures = """ select position "Position", argument_name "Argument", data_type "Data type", initcap(in_out) "In_Out", owner sdev_link_owner, package_name sdev_link_name, 'PACKAGE' sdev_link_type from sys.all_arguments where argument_name is not null and owner = :1 and (:2 is null or instr(upper(object_name),upper(:3)) > 0 or instr(upper(package_name),upper(:4)) > 0 ) and object_name = :5 and data_type in ('VARCHAR2', 'RAW', 'NCHAR', 'BINARY_INTEGER', 'BINARY_FLOAT', 'CHAR', 'NVARCHAR2', 'NUMBER', 'FLOAT', 'LONG RAW') order by owner, package_name, object_name, position """ connect() bStart = False try: cursor = connection.cursor() cursor.execute(fuzzPackages) result = """ BEGIN """ pkgName = "" func = 0 print "Running first query. It may take a long while ... " totalProcs = 0 for pkgData in cursor.fetchall(): totalProcs += 1 if not pkgData[1] is None: pkgName = pkgData[0] + "." + pkgData[1] + "." + pkgData[4] else: pkgName = pkgData[0] + "." + pkgData[4] procCursor = connection.cursor() procCursor.execute(packageProcedures, pkgData) procCursorData = procCursor.fetchall() func = isFunc(pkgName, len(procCursorData), procCursorData) if int(func) == 0: data = """BEGIN """ + pkgName + """(""" else: data = """SELECT """ + pkgName + """(""" index = 0 prevX = None for x in procCursorData: if x == prevX: continue prevX = x index += 1 if index == 1: if func == 0: data += str(x[1]) + "=>:" + str(index) else: data += ":" + str(index) else: if func == 0: data += "," + str(x[1]) + "=>:" + str(index) else: data += ", :" + str(index) if func == 0: data += """); end;""" else: data += """) from dual """ print "----------" print data print "----------" fuzzData(data, index) connection.close() except Exception, e: print "Error",e print "While fuzzing index",totalProcs,"relative to",pkgName raise e print print "Fuzzed",totalProcs,"procedure(s) and function(s)." print "Done." if __name__ == "__main__": main()
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