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Monkey Boards version 0.3.5 Multiple Path Disclosure Vulnerabilities

netVigilance Security Advisory #9

Monkey Boards version 0.3.5 Multiple Path Disclosure Vulnerabilities 

Monkey Boards is a fully-featured message board system suitable for smaller web 
sites. Build a virtual online community where users can post and reply to 
anyone. It is coded in PHP and uses an SQLite database.  Due to program flaws 
it is possible for the remote attacker to disclose the true path of the 
server-side script.

External References: 
Mitre CVE: CVE-2006-6113 
NVD NIST: CVE-2006-6113 http://nvd.nist.gov/nvd.cfm?cvename=CVE-2006-6113 
OSVDB: 30683 http://www.osvdb.com/displayvuln.php?osvdb_id=30683
30684 http://www.osvdb.com/displayvuln.php?osvdb_id=30684

Monkey Boards is a fully-featured message board system suitable for smaller web 
sites. Build a virtual online community where users can post and reply to 
anyone. It is coded in PHP and uses an SQLite database. 
A security problem in the product allows attackers to gather the true path of 
the server-side script. 

Release Date:
November 28, 2006

Risk: Low
CVSS Metrics
Access Vector: Remote
Access Complexity: Low
Authentication: not-required
Confidentiality Impact: Partial
Integrity Impact: None
Availability Impact: None
Impact Bias: Normal
CVSS Base Score: 2.3
Target Distribution on Internet: Low
Exploitability: Functional Exploit
Remediation Level:  Official Fix
Report Confidence:  Confirmed
Vulnerability Impact: Attack
Host Impact: Path disclosure.

SecureScout Testcase ID:
TC 17939

Vulnerable Systems:
Monkeyboards 0.3.5 and earlier.

Vulnerability Type:
Program flaw ? The admin_auth.inc.php and class.compiler.php scripts has flaws 
which lead to a Warning or even Fatal Errors.

Vendor Status: 
The Vendor has been notified. Project Administrator James Greenwood has 
released version 0.3.5a that fixes the problems. 
Please goto :  http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=165094 to 
download latest version.
Upgrade to version 0.3.5a or above to remedy this problem.
Disable warning messages: modify in the php.ini file following line: 
display_errors = Off.
Or modify .htaccess file (this will work only for the apache servers). 
<!--error--><br />
<b>Fatal error</b>:  Class template_lite_compiler:  Cannot inherit from 
undefined class template_lite in <b[FULL PATH TO FILE]class.compiler.php</b> on 
line <b>27</b><br />
<br />


HTTP REQUEST http://[TARGET]/[monkeyboards-directory]/include/admin_auth.inc.php
<!--error--><br />
<b>Fatal error</b>:  Call to undefined function:  logged_in() in <b>[FULL PATH 
TO FILE]admin_auth.inc.php</b> on line <b>3</b><br />

URL of Original Advisory: http://www.netvigilance.com/advisory0009 

Jesper Jurcenoks
Co-founder netVigilance, Inc