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Re: Multiple vulnerabilities in SAP Web Application Server 6.40 and7.00

Le mardi 07 novembre 2006 à 00:43 +0100, Nicob a écrit :

> I checked the SAP Support Portal, and I was effectively unable to find
> patch 66 for version 7.00 (patch 136 for 6.40 is OK). I just send them a
> mail about it.

From https://service.sap.com/patches :

> Entry by Application Group
> Additional Components
> SAP Kernel
> SAP KERNEL 7.00 32-BIT
> SAP KERNEL 7.00 32-BIT
> Windows Server on IA32 32bit
> #Database independent

Then click on the "Download Object" link for ENSERVER (the latest patch
level is currently 83).


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