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how to trick most of cms avatar upload filter [exemple for : RunCms (PoC)]

//how to trick cms avatar upload 
//exemple for : RunCms (PoC)
//Bug : avatar/php-shell upload 
//Product: RunCms
//URL: http://www.runcms.org/
//RISK: hight

you can upload a crafted picture on most of cms .
there's actually one protection agains that:
it's to reconvert the picture name uploaded ( see = 
http://us3.php.net/manual/en/features.file-upload.php )
so the picture called picture.jpg will be renamed has 

now on a webserver , a script is called & executed with the extension , so if 
you rename & upload a crafted picture , like this :
you will get the php code in the picture executed .(if there's some php code in 
the crafted picture)
the reverse ( http://site.jpg.php ) will never work ,  it's usually because the 
avatar upload filter look for the last extension.

so now we need to trick the upload filter , if you do a simple php script named 
"script.php" ,it will never work , 
our goal is to trick the avatar filter , so we need a reel picture .
then you need to take a good file editor , like: notepad++ 
(you can take whatever picture , and edit it without destroying it .)
we need to put some php code AFTER the picture code . 
when  it's done , try the picture if it still work , if yes , we are ok :).
here's an exemple of a crafted picture :
just upload the picture has your avatar , for Runcms and do a right click ===> 
property , on your avatar , look at the link ,
and call it with firefox , opera , safary , etc , once this is done you have a 
php backdoor uploaded in . 
usually in: http://site.com/[runcms_path]/images/avatar/sp.php.jpg

ps:this doesn't work with IE .

regards , securfrog@xxxxxxxxx