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Re: ZERT patch [was: 0day for IE (Disabling Javascript no longer a fix)]

On 9/26/06, Susan Bradley, CPA aka Ebitz - SBS Rocks [MVP]
<sbradcpa@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Jesper's Blog : More options on protecting against recent IE
vulnerabilities on a domain:

I like that option better.  Leaves me supported and honestly I've not
seen anything that I'm running that's used VML or freaked since I've
done that?

Btw, there seems to be a small issue with unregistering the vgx.dll.

When you unregister this DLL, among the other things it also removes
the following registry key:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Version Vector

There are two values this key has:

"IE" = "6.0000"
"VML" = "1.0"

When you re-register vgx.dll, it only recreates the VML value, and
doesn't recreate the IE value.

I'm not sure where this is used, but it could be wise to save this key
before unregistering the DLL (it's easy to recreate it though).
