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Re: Apple Remote Desktop root vulneravility
- To: Yannick von Arx <yanux@xxxxxxxx>
- Subject: Re: Apple Remote Desktop root vulneravility
- From: Mike Kuriger <m@xxxxxx>
- Date: Wed, 20 Sep 2006 15:07:27 -0700
if I'm reading this right, it looks like a non-logged in workstation
could be vulnerable to a local root use if an admin is running an remote
install. so the "attacker" would have to know that a remote operation
is going on and the "attacker" would need physical access. or I may
just be reading this wrong.
Yannick von Arx wrote:
> It seems so that the attacker needs a ARD enabled user plus vnc
> password to access the client.
> Then he can send an install command over "Manage > Send UNIX Command"
> We're talking about ARD 3.0 so we've got the new feature to lock
> client's screen with a message.
> From my point of view it's not a vulnerability in ARD, just an
> insecure point.
> Regards,
> Yannick von Arx
> On 19.09.2006, at 19:32, Erik Lat wrote:
>> So in order for this vulnerability to be exploited, the attacker needs
>> to have a local account on the machine correct? Your exploitation
>> explanation
>> is a bit construed. Any more info / demostrations would be helpful.
>> -Erik
>> On 18 Sep 2006 21:26:52 -0000
>> fribitch@xxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
>>> Background:
>>> ARD allows unix commands to be remotely sent from an admin
>>> workstation. These commands can be run as root, because the ard
>>> administrator can be given sudo access. This exploit involves
>>> sending a unix command as root to install a package that was copied
>>> to /tmp/. In this case, the app is Adobe CS 2.0 using the adobe
>>> silent installation script. The script will mount disk images as
>>> root, run the install, then cleanup. If a standard user is logged
>>> in, they will see an icon on the dock for the install, but should
>>> never see anything besides the icon.
>>> The issue:
>>> The process LoginWindow is owned by the logged in user. If the
>>> system is at the login window, then the process LoginWindow is
>>> owned by root. If the system is mounting a disk image visible only
>>> to root, then the image will try to appear on the desktop. Clicking
>>> the mouse will force the desktop to appear, as well as the menus. A
>>> user sitting that the system will then see a finder window, and the
>>> root users home directory. The login window can be ignored, and the
>>> user has full root access. Files can be deleted without
>>> authentication, and the trash can be emptied. If a user tries to
>>> login, the login window will check their credentials, but they will
>>> end up logging in to the root desktop with root privileges.
>>> The workaround:
>>> If you are trying to run a remote install script such as the Adobe
>>> Silent installer, use the lock screen feature in ARD. This locks
>>> the users desktop until the admin is done doing their thing.
>>> The end result:
>>> http://www.flickr.com/photos/metfoo/246858852/
>>> Adobes script:
>>> #!/bin/sh
>>> #
>>> # Example script to run the Adobe Creative Suite 2 Installer silently.
>>> #
>>> #
>>> # Copyright: 2005 Adobe Systems, Inc.
>>> #
>>> #
>>> function detach_images
>>> {
>>> # umount any previous mounted installer images
>>> for NUMBER in 1 2 3 4
>>> do
>>> MOUNTED_POINT="/Volumes/Adobe Creative Suite Disk ${NUMBER} "
>>> /sbin/mount |/usr/bin/grep "${MOUNTED_POINT}" 2>/dev/null
>>> if [ $? -eq 0 ] ; then
>>> echo "Another \"${MOUNT_POINT}\" already attached."
>>> DEVICE=`/sbin/mount |/usr/bin/grep "${MOUNTED_POINT}"
>>> 2>/dev/ null |/usr/bin/cut -d" " -f1`
>>> if [ -b "${DEVICE}" ] ; then
>>> /usr/bin/hdiutil detach "${DEVICE}"
>>> echo "Detaching \"${DEVICE}\"..."
>>> fi
>>> fi
>>> done
>>> }
>>> SAVEDIR="`pwd`"
>>> trap 'cd "${SAVEDIR}"' EXIT
>>> if [ $# -ne 2 ] ; then
>>> echo "usage: $0 <image folder> <config filepath>"
>>> exit 1
>>> fi
>>> IMGDIR=$1
>>> CONFIG=$2
>>> # Check OS Version, Minimum is 10.2.8
>>> OSVERSION=`/usr/bin/sw_vers |/usr/bin/grep ProductVersion |/usr/
>>> bin/cut -d: -f2`
>>> MAJORVER=`echo ${OSVERSION} | /usr/bin/cut -d . -f2`
>>> MVTEMP=`echo ${OSVERSION} | /usr/bin/cut -d. -f3`
>>> if [ ${MAJORVER} -lt 3 ] ; then
>>> # if less then 10.3
>>> if [ ${MAJORVER} -ne 2 ] ; then
>>> echo "This version of MacOS (${OSVERSION}) is not
>>> supported."
>>> exit 1;
>>> else
>>> if [ ${MINORVER} -lt 8 ] ; then
>>> echo "This version of MacOS (${OSVERSION}) is not
>>> supported."
>>> exit 1;
>>> fi
>>> fi
>>> else
>>> # additional hdiutil options for 10.3 or above system
>>> HDIUTIL_OPTIONS="-private -noverify"
>>> fi
>>> # Check root volume is HFS
>>> /sbin/mount -t hfs |/usr/bin/grep " / " 2>/dev/null
>>> if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then
>>> echo "Root volume is not a HFS volume."
>>> exit 5
>>> fi
>>> # validate the arguments
>>> if [ ! -d "$IMGDIR" ] ; then
>>> echo "$IMGDIR" does not exist.
>>> exit 2
>>> fi
>>> if [ ! -r "$CONFIG" ] ; then
>>> echo "$CONFIG" does not exist.
>>> exit 3
>>> fi
>>> # Check running as root
>>> MYUID=`/usr/bin/id -u`
>>> if [ ${MYUID} -ne 0 ] ; then
>>> echo "You need to be root to run the Adobe Creative Suite 2
>>> Installer."
>>> exit 4
>>> fi
>>> cd "${IMGDIR}"
>>> IMGCOUNT=`/bin/ls -l *.dmg 2>/dev/null | /usr/bin/wc -l`
>>> if [ -z "${IMGCOUNT}" -o "${IMGCOUNT}" = "0" ] ; then
>>> echo "No disk image found in "${IMGDIR}"."
>>> exit 2
>>> fi
>>> #detach any already attached installer images
>>> detach_images
>>> # Mount the disk images for the installer CDs
>>> for DMG in *.dmg
>>> do
>>> # mount the remaining disk images
>>> echo
>>> echo "--- Attaching Installer disk image ${NUMBER}..."
>>> echo /usr/bin/hdiutil attach -verbose -readonly $
>>> /usr/bin/hdiutil attach -verbose -readonly ${HDIUTIL_OPTIONS} "$
>>> {DMG}"
>>> if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then
>>> echo "Error in attaching installer disk image: \"${DMG}\""
>>> exit 6
>>> fi
>>> done
>>> echo
>>> echo
>>> echo "---- Starting the Adobe Creative Suite Installer..."
>>> echo
>>> "/Volumes/Adobe Creative Suite Disk 1/Adobe Installer.app/Contents/
>>> MacOS/Adobe Installer" --batch -c "${CONFIG}"
>>> echo
>>> #now detach attached installer images
>>> detach_images
>> --
>> Erik Lat
>> System Engineer
>> Lextech Global Services
> --
> e-mail: yannick.vonarx@xxxxxxxx
> web: http://www.yanux.ch
Mike Kuriger
Sr. Systems Engineer
WarnerBros Online
aim - mikekuriger