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FW: APPLE-SA-2006-09-21 AirPort Update 2006-001 and Security Update 2006-005

Forwarding this advisory to the list since Apple doesn't send them
directly to Bugtraq...

----- Forwarded message from Apple Product Security 
<product-security-noreply@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> -----

From: Apple Product Security <product-security-noreply@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: APPLE-SA-2006-09-21 AirPort Update 2006-001 and Security Update
To: security-announce@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Date: Thu, 21 Sep 2006 13:07:51 -0700
X-Mailer: Apple Mail (2.752.2)
Message-Id: <9295274F-561C-461A-851E-8D5191982140@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

Hash: SHA256

APPLE-SA-2006-09-21 AirPort Update 2006-001 and
Security Update 2006-005

The security fixes described below are available in AirPort Update
2006-001 and Security Update 2006-005.  AirPort Update 2006-001
contains an additional non-security fix to address a reliability
issue that occurs on a limited number of MacBook Pro systems.

CVE-ID:  CVE-2006-3507
Available for:  Mac OS X v10.3.9, Mac OS X Server v10.3.9, Mac OS
X v10.4.7, Mac OS X Server v10.4.7
Impact:  Attackers on the wireless network may cause arbitrary
code execution
Description:  Two separate stack buffer overflows exist in the
AirPort wireless driver's handling of malformed frames. An
attacker in local proximity may be able to trigger an overflow
by injecting a maliciously-crafted frame into a wireless
network. When the AirPort card is on, this could lead to arbitrary
code execution with system privileges. This issue affects Power
Mac, PowerBook, iMac, Mac Pro, Xserve, and PowerPC-based Mac
mini computers equipped with wireless. Intel-based Mac mini,
MacBook, and MacBook Pro computers are not affected. There is no
known exploit for this issue. This update addresses the issues
by performing additional validation of wireless frames.

CVE-ID:  CVE-2006-3508
Available for:  Mac OS X v10.4.7, Mac OS X Server v10.4.7
Impact:  Attackers on the wireless network may cause system
crashes, privilege elevation, or arbitrary code execution
Description:  A heap buffer overflow exists in the AirPort
wireless driver's handling of scan cache updates. An attacker in
local proximity may be able to trigger the overflow by injecting
a maliciously-crafted frame into the wireless network. This
could lead to a system crash, privilege elevation, or arbitrary
code execution with system privileges. This issue affects
Intel-based Mac mini, MacBook, and MacBook Pro computers
equipped with wireless. Power Mac, PowerBook, iMac, Mac Pro,
Xserve, and PowerPC-based Mac mini computers are not affected.
This update addresses the issue by performing additional
validation of wireless frames. There is no known exploit for
this issue. This issue does not affect systems prior to Mac OS X

CVE-ID:  CVE-2006-3509
Available for:  Mac OS X v10.4.7, Mac OS X Server v10.4.7
Impact:  Depending upon third-party wireless software in use,
attackers on the wireless network may cause crashes or arbitrary
code execution
Description:  An integer overflow exists in the AirPort wireless
driver's API for third-party wireless software. This could lead
to a buffer overflow in such applications dependent upon API
usage. No applications are known to be affected at this time. If
an application is affected, then an attacker in local proximity
may be able to trigger an overflow by injecting a
maliciously-crafted frame into the wireless network. This may
cause crashes or lead to arbitrary code execution with the
privileges of the user running the application. This issue
affects Intel-based Mac mini, MacBook, and MacBook Pro computers
equipped with wireless. Power Mac, PowerBook, iMac, Mac Pro,
Xserve, and PowerPC-based Mac mini computers are not affected.
This update addresses the issues by performing additional
validation of wireless frames. There is no known exploit for
this issue. This issue does not affect systems prior to Mac OS X

AirPort Update 2006-001 and Security Update 2006-005 may be obtained
from the Software Update pane in System Preferences, or Apple's
Software Downloads web site:

The Software Update utility will present the update that applies to
your system configuration. Only one is needed, either AirPort Update
2006-001 or Security Update 2006-005.

For Mac OS X v10.4.7 Build 8J2135 or 8J2135a
The download file is named:  "AirPortUpdate2006001.dmg"
Its SHA-1 digest is:  94855a341c05344dab4f965c595c7149352d2617

For Mac OS X v10.4.7 Build 8J135
For Mac OS X Server v10.4.7 Build 8J135
The download file is named:  "SecUpd2006-005Ti.dmg"
Its SHA-1 digest is:  32877c48193aa070c6e379bdec580b8d4a5c3ccc

For Mac OS X v10.4.7 Build 8K1079, 8K1106, 8K1123, or 8K1124
For Mac OS X Server v10.4.7 Build 8K1079
The download file is named:  "SecUpd2006-005Univ.dmg"
Its SHA-1 digest is:  fc1de2d328f41b74fa43cdc72af579618a05cc43

For Mac OS X v10.3.9 or Mac OS X Server v10.3.9
The download file is named:  "SecUpd2006-005Pan.dmg"
Its SHA-1 digest is:  e382c31989061772a7fae7bdab55efdebfdc8e1b

For Mac OS X v10.3.9 and Mac OS X Server v10.3.9 systems, if the
Software Update utility does not present Security Update 2006-005,
the following two updates need to be installed:

AirPort 4.2

AirPort Extreme Driver Update 2005-001

Information will also be posted to the Apple Security Updates
web site:

This message is signed with Apple's Product Security PGP key,
and details are available at:

Version: PGP Desktop 9.0.6 (Build 6060)


----- End forwarded message -----

Dave McKinney

keyID: BF919DD7
key fingerprint = 494D 6B7D 4611 7A7A 5DBB  3B29 4D89 3A70 BF91 9DD7