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@System Security Meeting in Pisa

The IT Association @System http://www.atsystem.org is organizing the 4th
edition of the Convention on IT Security "Net&System Security" which
will be held at the Auditorium of Pisa’s CNR on October 17, 2006.
The event is being organized in collaboration with and coordination of
representatives of all IT categories (Research and University,
Companies, Associations), some of which are: the IIT of Pisa’s CNR,
Cisco Systems, HP Italia, IBM Italia, Sun  Microsystems, Microsoft
Italia, Wind, CLUSIT, DGSI of the MIUR, GAT-Guardia di Finanza of Rome.
The purpose of the Net&System Security Convention is to create a contact
between the areas of Research, University, Students, Companies and TDM,
and to delve into the current issues related to IT security.
The encounters will last the whole day.
The morning session will be dedicated to the Mobile & Wireless Security
(VoIP, WiMAX, Wireless MESH Networks) with the presence of a Hack-Live
The afternoon will be opened by a Round Table on DRM, which will be
followed by five parallel sessions, that will discuss the following

- Secure Code
- Server Security
- Identity Management
- Mobile Application Security: Limits and Solutions
- Linux VS FreeBSD advances in attacking kernels

Detailed program available here:

Entry is Free of charge. registration recommended.
