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Sonium Enterprise Adressbook Version 0.2 (folder) RFI

+ Sonium Enterprise Adressbook Version 0.2 (folder) RFI
+ Original advisory:
+ Affected Software .: Sonium Enterprise Adressbook Version 0.2
+ Venedor ...........: http://www.sonium-php.de
+ Class .............: Remote File Inclusion
+ Risk ..............: high (Remote File Execution)
+ Found by ..........: Philipp Niedziela
+ Contact ...........: webmaster[at]bb-pcsecurity[.]de
+ Affected Files:
+ /plugins/*.php (not config.php)
+ First lines of all these scripts:
+ .....
+     include("$folder/config.php");
+ .....
+ $folder is not properly sanitized before being used
+ Solution:
+ Deny direct access to all files in folder "plugins"
+ or modify code:
+ if(!isset($_REQUEST['folder']) && !isset($_GET['folder']) && 
+  //code of org. *.php
+ }
+ else {
+  echo "You cannot access this file directly.";
+  die();
+ }
+ PoC:
+ http://[target]/plugins/1_Adressbuch/delete.php?folder=[script]
+ Greets: /str0ke
+-------------------------[ E O F ]----------------------------------