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SYMSA-2006-008:Password Safe - Lock Password Database Configuration Not Enforced

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                   Symantec Vulnerability Research
                         Security Advisory

   Advisory ID: SYMSA-2006-008
Advisory Title: Password Safe - Lock Password Database Configuration Not 
        Author: J.R. Wikes
  Release Date: 07-24-2006
   Application: Password Safe 2.11, 2.16, 3.0BETA1
      Platform: Windows (95/98/NT/2000/XP)
      Severity: Locally exploitable
 Vendor status: Verified by vendor.  Upgrade available
    CVE Number: CVE-2006-3675
    Reference: http://www.securityfocus.com/bid/19078


Password Safe is open source software which allows users to
create a secured and encrypted master password list. This list
is controlled and accessed through the Password Safe software
resident on a user?s workstation.

One of the security features of the software allows users to
configure the password database to lock upon the workstation
being locked or after a set period of inactivity. It was
determined that this locking feature is not enforced on either
of these events when certain dialogue windows are open in the

More information on Password Safe can be obtained at


Password Safe can be configured to lock the password database
when the workstation is locked or after a set period of idle
time to prevent unauthorized access to the database contents.
When the following dialogue windows are left open in the
application the database will not lock on either of these
preconfigured events.

File > New Database
File > Open Database
File > Save As
File > Export To
File > Import From
File > Merge Database
Edit > Add Entry
Edit > Edit/View Entry
Manage > Change Safe Combination
Manage > Make Backup
Manage > Restore from Backup
Help > About Password Safe

By not locking the password database as configured, its contents
may be at risk of compromise by an attacker with access to the

Vendor Response:

        The above vulnerability was addressed for the affected
        platforms in Password Safe 3.01.

        Customers can download the latest version of Password
        Safe from the following website:


        If there are any further questions about this statement,
        please contact ronys@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


        Follow your organization's testing procedures before
        applying patches or workarounds.  Customers should
        upgrade to Password Safe 3.01, or higher as soon as

Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) Information:

The Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) project has
assigned the following names to these issues.  These are
candidates for inclusion in the CVE list
(http://cve.mitre.org), which standardizes names for security


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